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Spare Metal Magazine for KJW / Softair Licensed P226 KP01 Series Airsoft Gas Blowback Pistols (Model: CO2)

11 Customer Reviews

by Rob B. on 05/03/2022
"Out of the box, the mags work great and the o-rings on the inlet valves are a good quality and won’t fall out if you keep them maintained. I purchased two spare mags for my P226 and one of them had an issue when filling, the valve got stuck downward so it spewed all of the gas out and froze the valve. This was an easy fix by simply taking the valve out, disassembling it and lubing the o-rings. It works as it should now. Great mags!

Long term use, the o-ring near the base plate will eventually need replacing as it will constantly leak, which isn’t a huge deal. You can also use gasket maker around that o-ring for a permanent fix.
by lukas e. on 08/27/2021
"i bought these for my kj works p226 kp-01 and they work great the dont leak at first they where hard to get in but after me using them for a bit the paint chipped away and it fit better
by JAG S. on 10/29/2020
"if you have and 226 series from kjw i can garuntee that this will work. It works amazingly
by Emil A. on 09/13/2010
"Awesome mag, fits the P226 KJW perfect as expected, good quality!
by Daniel N. on 10/07/2008
"I reccomend these magazines over the Tokyo Marui ones. The seal on the bottom works VERY well and it holds gas a whole lot better than the Marui GGM. It will fit in your Marui 226 and will perform 10X better. And trust me, I am a Marui fan, always will be. They just need to work on their GGMs.
by Hugh S. on 02/22/2019
"I have a KJW KP-01 and there is a design flaw with these mags BUT!!!! If you go to your local vehicle part store and buy some high pressure gasket maker you can take apart the mag by removing the lower pins and replace the O- ring with gasket maker. It works very well for me and I have no leaks. By the way, gasket maker is around $5 US
by Ryry A. on 09/15/2013
"Excellent magazine. Fits my KJW P229 perfectly.
Pros holds a lot of bbs, last a long time, and can be dropped multiple times.
Cons o-rings slip off easily, every 2,000 shots (might just be my mags)
by Thomas C. on 08/25/2018
"Very good mags at first, fit very well, but after light use, 3/5 mags started leaking, good cheap mags if you are on a budget, but dont expect the best quality
by Jason M. on 04/04/2017
"Magazine works fine with my 226. No leaks and it fills just fine. The product ID is MAG-KJW-P226 but I received a used WE mag. But it works so I guess it does its job.
by Jonathan E. on 02/05/2020
"3/3 mags that I bought (one included with gun, other two were spares) leak like crazy. I was told that there is nothing to do to fix this, because the pins in the bottom are a poor design choice - just a ticking time bomb. I don't know if WE or TM mags work, but if you're going to try anything, I'm planning on purchasing the TM's.
by Eric A. on 03/13/2016
"These mags could have been good but due to the fact that the mag's base seal is held together by two roll pins they are nothing more than a ticking time bomb for a very difficult if not an all together impossible to fix leak this is considering I am actually quite good at resealing gas mags, but the problem is that the roll pins fatigue and then no matter how much Teflon tape you use the pins are the problem so the mags just become useless. If you're going to buy mags for a 226 and don't wan to spend too much, use the WE mags or hold out for TM mags, but don't waste your time with these things. I use the WE P-Virus mags and they have served me well, even if I drop them and they start to leak I can just reseal them easily because they are held together by a screw and not horrible roll pins.