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EMG x Likisei Odin M12 Sidewinder Adapter for Airsoft Magazines (Color: Blue / AEG-AK)

5 Customer Reviews

by Seaver K. on 10/06/2024
"works for my AK midcaps. high quality feeling makes me think this should work for a long time.
by Dave D. on 06/18/2024
"This adapter is awesome. If you’re using the AK adapter for E&L or LCT mags they do fit. The LCT mags are a tight fit but they still work. Highly recommend using this adapter with ODIN loaders.
by Albert H. on 05/14/2024
"Way better than using any other speed loader for mws magazines.
by dr_knight d. on 04/22/2024
"5 stars for a $20 Odin adapter which is injection molded for Mws magazines. Adapter clicks into Odin speed loaders perfectly, tm mws mags click in perfectly, Odin loads mags until full and has noticibly more force when mags are fully loaded. I’ve counted how many rounds get loaded and they are always full.

I’m glad to have purchased this Odin mws mag adapter.
by Jeffrey L. on 05/18/2024
"This adapter does the job and fits most AK magazines and feeds them well enough. Some complaints:
- you waste like 5 bbs per reload as the feeder nozzle does not retain bbs
- the adapter does not fit AK12 style mags because the adapter's magwell is needlessly long and not a standard AK magwell
- the magazine latch doesn't always snap back consistently.

All in all, 4/5 - recommended for most AKGang users.