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Angel Custom Sentry Mock Suppressor for 16mm Threaded Barrels (Model: Dark Earth / Power UP)

ID: 109900 (MS-AC-BE-PU11CW-DE)
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Angel Custom



  • Aluminum alloy construction
  • Matte dark earth finish
  • 16mm positive thread is ideal for Tokyo Marui Mk23 non-blowback pistols, VFC HK45 GBB pistol, Cybergun FNX GBB pistols, and KWA/KSC Vector GBB SMG's
  • Integrated inner barrel provides an increase in FPS in just seconds
  • Stainless steel tightbore inner barrel is designed to mate with your pistol or rifles existing inner barrel

Manufacturer: Angel Custom


Diameter: 35mm
Length: 156mm
Threads: 16mm positive
Material: Aluminum

About Angel Custom

Angel Custom was founded on a mission to promote satisfaction and excitement on the Airsoft battlefield. Founded by Airsofters searching for perfections, it is our joy and pride to present you our battle tested creations. We strive to provide quality products and services that are reliable and trustworthy to be worthy of the trust placed in us.

2 Customer Reviews

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by Tyler P. on 03/10/2020
"I love this suppressor/barrel extension. I bought it because it was one of the only available 16mm options available, and adapters just weren't in stock anywhere. It's found an almost permanent home on my hk45, and worked really well on my FNX-45 until I got a new inner barrel that was longer.

FPS on my HK45 is consistently 70 with it on and grouping is tighter. It never jams or chops bb's, it doesn't stop the slide from cycling, it sounds really cool adding a sort of metal clang when firing, and it's just overall built very nicely.

From my experience this is a great addition to my 16mm pistols, and can certainly recommend it for the KWA HK45 and Cybergun FNX-45!

Oh yeah and don't crank down too hard on those craptastic plastic threads on the HK45 outer barrel...
by Robert W. on 12/21/2020
"I thought I found a perfect 16mm threaded power up suppressor for my KWA Kriss Vector and Tokyo Marui H&K M23 pistol, but it doesn't work well without the extension inner barrel protruding out of the mock suppressor by an inch. Too bad I cannot post photos on this review. The spring loaded inner barrel needs to be shortened by an inch to fit well on both of these airsoft guns. From another reviewer, it seems to work without these issues. Definitely will not work with both KWA Kriss Vector GBB SMG and the Tokyo Marui H&K M23 non- blowback gas pistol, even though says it is compatible.

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