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Matrix AR15 Magazine Shaped Shotgun Shell Quick Holder (Color: Black / Add Shells)

4 Customer Reviews

by Alain H. on 06/02/2024
"Pros: Convenient to carry 8x shells and to storage them.

Cons: Bulky and huge, won't fit most M4 pouches.

Overall, spring tension feels alright, shells snap into place.
If you own too many shells like me and need a little bit to organize them. give this guy a shot.
by Calvin C. on 05/02/2023
"these do their job, they hold shell loosely but looks great and convenient.
by Mark V. on 06/18/2023
"Fits shells well and looks pretty nice, the biggest down side Is the spring in them is very week and will let shells fall out. I solved this with a stiffer ar mag spring and now the shells hold firm and only pop out when I need.
by Anthony L. on 02/24/2024
"I bought 2 of them, one for full shells, one for empties. One of them has visibly rusty spring upon disassembly and is clearly the one that has issues forcing the shells to the top of the magazine. The other one works fine. 2/5 cause I shouldn't have to buy multiple in hopes one is good and doesn't ship with a rusty spring.