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Maxx Model CNC Aluminum Hop-Up Chamber EVO for Scorpion EVO Airsoft AEG SMGs

4 Customer Reviews

by Landon H. on 07/02/2024
"Amazing Hopup! Stock hopup was really hard to adjust without a tool and plastic. This Hopup really made a big difference with. Maple Leaf Hopup bucking.
by Aleksander K. on 06/23/2024
"Solid and really high quality and miles better than the stock hop up on the evo. The dial has a good amount of resistance and turns very smoothly.

Make sure you use a maple leaf bucking though. Dropped FPS with stock bucking, and gained about 10 fps with a maple leaf with an otherwise stock gun.
by Nicholas G. on 12/14/2023
"Got a scorpion evo in a box of awesome, but with a full mag the gun would double load bbs for the first 10-15 rounds of a full mag. Tried to swap out bucking and tinker with the stock hop up but nothing worked. Bought this Maxx unit and problem is no more. The stock hop up is almost impossible to adjust without using a tool, and this makes it so much easier to adjust and fine tune. Half the price of the ASG cnc hop up. And I’m getting 13 fps increase with a maple leaf bucking. I’m running a Maxx hop up in both of my M4’s and now my EVO. Love them.
by Alberto José D. on 11/27/2023
"Perfect item, it’s works very well with my Scorpion, it’s very precise 👌 100% recommended.