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Colt Licensed M4 CQB-R SOPMOD Airsoft AEG w/ LiPo Ready Metal Gearbox (Color: Black / Firefight Package)

30 Customer Reviews

by Kyle R. on 06/26/2024
"This is a good budget M4 to start out with. I have over 1,000 bb’s through this AEG and have had very few issues. It’s actually been more reliable than a few more expensive AEG’s that I have purchased. It does have a threaded barrel if you remove the orange tip. Be sure to remove the pin before attempting to unscrew the flash hider. The only issues I have had are the barrel/front end wobbles a little and it will misfeed a bb every so often on full auto. It’s a 100% plastic gun so don’t expect it to hold up to hard use.
by Hellen K. on 04/04/2024
"I love this gun so much it was my first gun. It's going on two years i have had this gun and It is amazing. I am also gonna start modding it and making it my perfect m4. The materials that they use to make it are pretty good i wouldn't say there super strong. But the gun is super light and fun to run around with. Overall for the price of the gun i would have to give it a 10 out of 10.
by Jake B. on 12/05/2023
"Honestly you can’t beat this. I won this in a mystery box and I like it ALOT. Especially you can get BBs and 3 extra mags for $145. That’s a great deal
by brian d. on 02/18/2023
"I got this gun and was finally able to try it out at a local park. It is a solidly built gun and overall the features of this are pretty great. The hop up in easily accessible by pulling back the charge handle. Here are some basic specs.
Durability 8/10
FPS with .20g AVG = 375-390
FPS with .25g AVG = 350-360
Range is solidly 400 feet average

I got this for mil-sim and can say the project bravo 30 round mags and the 6mm pro shop mid cap mags on this site are compatible. For a starter gun that is all around well build, easy to use and not really complicated I would say go for it. I would also recommend a different sling though, the one that it came with, although works well, was a little difficult to manage as it was slightly shorter than I would have preffered,
by matthew o. on 12/02/2022
"Great gun would recommend for starters
I can shoot probably 300-350 ft
I bought this gun when I was starting airsoft had it for about 2 years still no problems never had a jam
still shoots great even though I moved to hi-Capas
by Siro A. on 12/02/2022
"Had it for about a year now, solid gun feels great when you add attachments to it, great size and functions are awesome. The production is there, I feel on it dropped it a few times and still shots on the dime. Awesome gun would recommend && would buy again
by Ben M. on 10/08/2022
"So I was surprised by the quality of this rifle. This performs as well as AEG‘s in a much higher price point. The build seems very sturdy, very accurate, great trigger. It is slightly faster than advertised, which was fine with me. You will not regret this purchase. It’s a great rifle and a great price point.
by Siro A. on 03/14/2022
"Very good gun. Pleased with the purchase and time it arrived. Easy to grasp with hop up ect. shoots very nice distance with 0.25/6mm elite force bio bbs. Accuracy is definitely there. Nice rail to add attachments to make it look cool. Nice weight out the box, when adding attachments it stays at a comfortable weight to run and gun or milsim with. 10/10
by Dylan H. on 12/11/2021
"Perfect for a starter gun
No problems yet
by Philip C. on 05/27/2021
"Bottom Line Up Front: This is a good starter gun, with excellent performance-price ratio. If you're a serious airsofter, upgrades would absolutely be worth it.

Inculdes: Gun, 300rnd high-cap, sling, dejamming rod (useless so far), batteries, charger

I've had this gun for about three months, and I've never had a jam, dead battery, misfire, or any problems. For $130, it's a steal; 360-380 FPS out of the box with a short barrel for maneuverability. The handguard moves a little, but not enough to be a problem. Same with the stock. While you're playing, the batteries will rattle, so some foam or wrapping paper towels around them is a good idea.

-Cheap as dirt
-Good FPS
-Highly customizable (I mean, it's an M4, so...)
-Slightly front heavy (gives the weapon good balance)
-Metal gearbox
-Plenty of rail space

-Orange tip is impossible to remove
-Comes with a crappy high-cap mag
-Gearbox is kinda hard to get to
-Batteries rattle in the stock

Overall it is an excellent starter M4, I highly recommend for new players, especially those on a budget. 9/10
by Austin C. on 11/29/2020
"In my opinion this is the best starter aeg for anyone especially if you get the battery and charger combo. I have had mine for about 3 months now, I have crawled on it, dropped it, got mud and dirt all over it and in it and it still shoots and works like brand new. Best AEG around the 100$ mark.
by Nathan G. on 10/25/2020
"So, I have owned this gun for almost 2 years, and have shot over 10,000 bbs with this gun. This gun is amazing for the price. I originally bought this at Dick's Sporting Goods and they had 2 left in stock. The gun has never jammed, never stuttered, and has never given me any bad experience. Right out of the box, it feels light, and sturdy. Even though it feels like cheap plastic, this gun is surprisingly strong. However, the handguard is just a little bit wiggly at times, but hardly noticeable for me. I still don't know how to remove the orange tip, but i recently took the gun apart to oil and clean up some things. Also, the front sight is removable, but good luck getting to the screw beneath the sling mount. Overall, I think this gun is an absolute win for the price.


1. Amazing price.
2. Great performance.
3. Great quality.
4. Very customizable (its an M4, duh.)
5. All around fun and extremely light.
6. The perfect starter Gun


1. My buffer tube did start to loosen after a while, but easy to fix. (Phillips head screwdriver down the middle.)
2. Still don't know how to remove the orange tip.
by Micah M. on 04/14/2020
"If you are looking for a gun and you don't have one yet and you want to get into airsoft, this gun is for you. This is the ultimate beginner rifle in my opinion because of the awesome price/performance ratio.

The only somewhat negative thing about this gun is the battery rattles around in the stock when you run with it, but this is an easy fix if you have some foam.
by Tyler W. on 01/14/2020
"I bought this awhile ago and it’s amazing but I want to put a full metal body on it to make it more realistic but I don’t know how to fully take it apart there is no video or manual for this gun where do I go to disassemble the gun?
by Jason C. on 04/24/2019
"Good starter rifle, if you are looking for a starter rifle this I recommend!