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Prometheus Shim Set for Airsoft AEG Gearboxes

6 Customer Reviews

by Lawrence M. on 08/30/2023
"I was told to be careful buying shims because many are bad quality but these were very nice. It came in a small plastic bag and there is no way to differentiate them other than by feeling them but they worked great when shimming 3 different guns. Would buy again.
by Samuel V. on 11/10/2021
"nice shims, more than enough to shim multiple guns
by Timothy C. on 10/15/2021
"easy to identify what's what.
good, will buy again
by Mitchell S. on 05/07/2021
"Best shims I’ve tried, super precise, and most of them were within .02 mm of their desired widths. I’ve bought a pack of shims from an inexpensive airsoft manufacturer and I’ve had to take a pair of calipers to them every time because they are inconsistent. With these Prometheus shims, I don’t have to do that. Quality over quantity.
by Timothy L. on 04/05/2021
"i love these. comes in all the sizes you would need to achieve the perfect shim job. its nice they have a diagram on the back to tell you which ones which. highly recommend!
by MICHAEL W. on 05/25/2020
"I've bought LITERALLY every shim from every maker on this website and these are BY FAR the smoothest and most precise shims out there. 10/10
All other shims didn't measure as great as these sis on my calipers.