Krytac KRISS Vector Gas Blowback Airsoft GBB SMG (Color: Flat Dark Earth / Essentials Package)
14 Customer Reviews
by liam a. on 02/25/2025
"First full auto gun I ever got, I love it! It works wonderful but sometimes the gas leaks too fast, it might just be the gas cans running out, but oh well.
by David B. on 12/25/2024
"I've always wanted a Kriss Vector and now I got one! Feels like the real thing, very customizable and best of all it's gas blow back making almost as good as the real thing.
High cap magazine (GBB).
Magazines don't seem to manage gas very well. On a full loaded magazine you might need to refill the gas.
Needs some sort of speed loader.
High cap magazine (GBB).
Magazines don't seem to manage gas very well. On a full loaded magazine you might need to refill the gas.
Needs some sort of speed loader.
by Vicente S. on 11/29/2024
"What up peeps, I bought the precision package when they first offered it and let me tell y'all this thing beamsssss people it's crazy how accurate and efficient it is I definitely recommend!
by Hansen L. on 09/28/2024
"First, let’s clarify what’s included in the package for me (other than the SMG itself, msg, and manual): there’s one additional rail segment which you could attach on the 6 or 9 o’clock side, flip-up sights (not pre-installed), and YES, the thread protector is included as of this time (I didn’t need it anyways but it’s nice to have).
Taking about the Vector itself, externally, it’s simply fantastic. The only wobble is the mag (just a tiny bit. I was absolutely not bothered by this, no sarcasm here), other than that, have fun airsofting with this: Realistic and sturdy.
FYI: According to the manual, it looks like you can also adjust the stock length.
Taking about the Vector itself, externally, it’s simply fantastic. The only wobble is the mag (just a tiny bit. I was absolutely not bothered by this, no sarcasm here), other than that, have fun airsofting with this: Realistic and sturdy.
FYI: According to the manual, it looks like you can also adjust the stock length.
by Aaron W. on 06/11/2024
"First GBBR from being a strictly hi capa guy, and I love it. Easy to maintain due to how simple it is to disassemble. Throw on a laylax grip and mag release this thing will feel snug in the hands. Definitely a conversation starter too! My only gripe is how difficult it currently is to get extra magazines, we gotta wait until July. The magazines also tend to freeze up if you are hot on the trigger and the mag gets too cold
by Patrick V. on 02/13/2024
"Fantastic gun, Works well and chronos at .95 J with .3 bb. Sound is amazing! Only slight problem I had with it is it comes without enough lubrication to play a full day. About halfway through the day, the Airnozzle was getting stuck in the bolt assemble. Im sure that after lubricating this area, I will perform as intended.
Overall, great gun!
Overall, great gun!
by Garrett M. on 01/30/2024
"I got mine the 1st week of January and by far a blast very gas efficient well balanced and great for cqb. It is a very affordable gbb 400 for the gun and 109 for the 3 pack of mags not bad
by Kyle Y. on 01/06/2024
"I LOVE THIS GUN and I have yet to even shoot it, the main reason i’m making this review is because I just wanted to let y’alp know my first impressions in case you’re wanting to buy one. i’ll update once I have a chance to use it in a game.
Enclosed within the box is actually really clean and nice packaging you receive
- Kriss vector
- 60 round mag x1
- thread protector (14mm neg.) x1
- Back up iron sights (front and back) x2
- Side rail x1
- allen wrench x1
It’s really solid but it has it’s quirks when it comes to build quality.
- Solid build and no wiggle without magazine
- The parts that are polymer are very high quality but it’s from kyrtac after all
- foldable stock
- decently heavy but not as bad as a rifle (could be a con if you aInT wOrKeD a DaY iN yO lIfE)
- Uh, it’s a GBB vector I mean c’mon
- some of the pins holding the upper and lower just slide, they don’t seem threaded or screwed in. They seem easy to lose during a game.
- The charging handle and button to fold the stock are stiff, probably need breaking in.
- The only thing I hate about the vector is the magazine release which is awkwardly placed
- No cupholder or cigarette lighter :(
Okay, after finally getting to use it at a field (Battlelab) I still really love it! But I have a few notes.
The previously mentioned stiffness to the gun still remains even sfter using it all day, HOWEVER i’ve grown to love it because it’s very obvious which to tell which fire mode you’re on compared to other guns like the ARP-9 or any of my other guns for that matter, and honestly even though it’s a little stiff it definitely broke in and became more of a smoother and snappy feel rather than stiff.
It only happened once but while the ref was cronoing the gun whenever he depressed the magazine release the gun would discharge if the safety was still off. I could not replicate it HOWEVER i believe it was because there was too little gas inside the magazine because after it was crono’d (320 ish with .20’s btw) I filled more gas and on field it never malfunctioned like that on me, so looking past that 1 hiccup that probably could’ve taken someone’s eye out, the mags aren't bad. (No I don’t believe that it was the ref’s fault I think it was the gun bein’ funky)
The Vector’s shape
Okay c’mon even vector fans have to admit that the shape of the vector is something to get used to. If you going to buy this gun being used to M4s or AK this might be a little difficult to get used to, for some reason the control surfaces remind me of the Thompson because of the safety and fire selector. I have to admit I’d accidentally turn the safety on while trying to shoot because of my hand placement, but after some practice and trial by fire I learned to correct that habit.
The Grease and Lubrication
For only using it once, I was disappointed HOWEVER Krytac usually makes AEGs so I understand the crappy lubrication job. It was still usable but once my new set or grease and silicon oil comes in I’ll be re-lubing it. To go into more detail I feel as though they either didn’t use enough grease or it got dirty before they shipped it to me. A friend had the same issue with theirs. Take down of the gun is super easy so dw about that part. My advice if you’re gunna be minimalistic about it at least grease the bolt.
The Sound
HOLY FUCK EARGASM. It sounds so powerful when you shoot it while aiming down the sights. Especially at an indoor field that is my JAM.
The Performance
Look, for most indoor fields it’ll shoot too hot for full auto unless you use heavier bbs. Which I’ve considered but I need to do more research on if it hurts more, because if it does it’s not worth it to me if I’m gunna leave someone with a nasty welt. It shoot STRAIGHT and consistent (granted I played indoors where the furthest target was like 30 feet but who uses a smg outdoor) it almost rivaled my AEGs it was so good :).
Final thoughts
This is gotta be my new favorite gun.
Ease of use: 7/10 (Because of the vector platform not because of performance)
Fun factor: 10/10
Out of the box: 9/10
Part availability: 4/10 (as of January 6th 2024)
Overall 5 stars I love the performance but it needs a little love and attention like most ggbrs
Enclosed within the box is actually really clean and nice packaging you receive
- Kriss vector
- 60 round mag x1
- thread protector (14mm neg.) x1
- Back up iron sights (front and back) x2
- Side rail x1
- allen wrench x1
It’s really solid but it has it’s quirks when it comes to build quality.
- Solid build and no wiggle without magazine
- The parts that are polymer are very high quality but it’s from kyrtac after all
- foldable stock
- decently heavy but not as bad as a rifle (could be a con if you aInT wOrKeD a DaY iN yO lIfE)
- Uh, it’s a GBB vector I mean c’mon
- some of the pins holding the upper and lower just slide, they don’t seem threaded or screwed in. They seem easy to lose during a game.
- The charging handle and button to fold the stock are stiff, probably need breaking in.
- The only thing I hate about the vector is the magazine release which is awkwardly placed
- No cupholder or cigarette lighter :(
Okay, after finally getting to use it at a field (Battlelab) I still really love it! But I have a few notes.
The previously mentioned stiffness to the gun still remains even sfter using it all day, HOWEVER i’ve grown to love it because it’s very obvious which to tell which fire mode you’re on compared to other guns like the ARP-9 or any of my other guns for that matter, and honestly even though it’s a little stiff it definitely broke in and became more of a smoother and snappy feel rather than stiff.
It only happened once but while the ref was cronoing the gun whenever he depressed the magazine release the gun would discharge if the safety was still off. I could not replicate it HOWEVER i believe it was because there was too little gas inside the magazine because after it was crono’d (320 ish with .20’s btw) I filled more gas and on field it never malfunctioned like that on me, so looking past that 1 hiccup that probably could’ve taken someone’s eye out, the mags aren't bad. (No I don’t believe that it was the ref’s fault I think it was the gun bein’ funky)
The Vector’s shape
Okay c’mon even vector fans have to admit that the shape of the vector is something to get used to. If you going to buy this gun being used to M4s or AK this might be a little difficult to get used to, for some reason the control surfaces remind me of the Thompson because of the safety and fire selector. I have to admit I’d accidentally turn the safety on while trying to shoot because of my hand placement, but after some practice and trial by fire I learned to correct that habit.
The Grease and Lubrication
For only using it once, I was disappointed HOWEVER Krytac usually makes AEGs so I understand the crappy lubrication job. It was still usable but once my new set or grease and silicon oil comes in I’ll be re-lubing it. To go into more detail I feel as though they either didn’t use enough grease or it got dirty before they shipped it to me. A friend had the same issue with theirs. Take down of the gun is super easy so dw about that part. My advice if you’re gunna be minimalistic about it at least grease the bolt.
The Sound
HOLY FUCK EARGASM. It sounds so powerful when you shoot it while aiming down the sights. Especially at an indoor field that is my JAM.
The Performance
Look, for most indoor fields it’ll shoot too hot for full auto unless you use heavier bbs. Which I’ve considered but I need to do more research on if it hurts more, because if it does it’s not worth it to me if I’m gunna leave someone with a nasty welt. It shoot STRAIGHT and consistent (granted I played indoors where the furthest target was like 30 feet but who uses a smg outdoor) it almost rivaled my AEGs it was so good :).
Final thoughts
This is gotta be my new favorite gun.
Ease of use: 7/10 (Because of the vector platform not because of performance)
Fun factor: 10/10
Out of the box: 9/10
Part availability: 4/10 (as of January 6th 2024)
Overall 5 stars I love the performance but it needs a little love and attention like most ggbrs
by Kyle Y. on 12/25/2023
"I LOVE THIS GUN and I have yet to even shoot it, the main reason i’m making this review is because I just wanted to let y’alp know my first impressions in case you’re wanting to buy one. i’ll update once I have a chance to use it in a game.
Enclosed within the box is actually really clean and nice packaging you receive
- Kriss vector
- 60 round mag x1
- thread protector (14mm neg.) x1
- Back up iron sights (front and back) x2
- Side rail x1
- allen wrench x1
It’s really solid but it has it’s quirks when it comes to build quality.
- Solid build and no wiggle without magazine
- The parts that are polymer are very high quality but it’s from kyrtac after all
- foldable stock
- decently heavy but not as bad as a rifle (could be a con if you aInT wOrKeD a DaY iN yO lIfE)
- Uh, it’s a GBB vector I mean c’mon
- some of the pins holding the upper and lower just slide, they don’t seem threaded or screwed in. They seem easy to lose during a game.
- The charging handle and button to fold the stock are stiff, probably need breaking in.
- The only thing I hate about the vector is the magazine release which is awkwardly placed
- No cupholder or cigarette lighter :(
Enclosed within the box is actually really clean and nice packaging you receive
- Kriss vector
- 60 round mag x1
- thread protector (14mm neg.) x1
- Back up iron sights (front and back) x2
- Side rail x1
- allen wrench x1
It’s really solid but it has it’s quirks when it comes to build quality.
- Solid build and no wiggle without magazine
- The parts that are polymer are very high quality but it’s from kyrtac after all
- foldable stock
- decently heavy but not as bad as a rifle (could be a con if you aInT wOrKeD a DaY iN yO lIfE)
- Uh, it’s a GBB vector I mean c’mon
- some of the pins holding the upper and lower just slide, they don’t seem threaded or screwed in. They seem easy to lose during a game.
- The charging handle and button to fold the stock are stiff, probably need breaking in.
- The only thing I hate about the vector is the magazine release which is awkwardly placed
- No cupholder or cigarette lighter :(
by Chris K. on 12/19/2023
"So far it's good the quality is decent and gas efficiency is above expected. Unlike other krytacs it doesn't come with a second flash hider just the big ugly orange one that's glued and pinned in place with a small hex key screw. The mags sit nicely but there is a slight wiggle but don't notice unless you manually wiggle the mag. I'm consistently shooting at .9j with .30 bbs. And 294 fps. Great for indoors and cqb. I own the kwa version as well and it doesn't kick as hard as the kwa but for gas efficiency and parts availability it's a won.
by William M. on 05/02/2024
"I got one of these a little while ago and initially was very impressed by how well it shot when I fielded it for the first time, however by the end of the day it was occasionally misfeeding and it wasn’t gas efficient at all after another probably 500 shots it wouldn’t feed at all, this was due to the top of the bolt being too sharp and wearing down the top of the nozzle so it can be pushed up by the mag, however after fixing this problem and installing a better sealing nozzle piston and shortened buffers from blackvariable and smoothing out the rails that the bolt rolls along the gun runs flawlessly.
Tldr the krytac vector gbb is a decent gun ootb but without doing a couple easy mods it won’t stay that way, I highly recommend that anyone considering buying this should watch explosive enterprises review before buying
Tldr the krytac vector gbb is a decent gun ootb but without doing a couple easy mods it won’t stay that way, I highly recommend that anyone considering buying this should watch explosive enterprises review before buying
by Owen D. on 02/27/2024
"Got one for Christmas and I absolutely love it. Shoots great and very reliable as long as you maintain it i.e. keep it oiled. Only thing I found a little disappointing was no black muzzle brake included :(
by adam h. on 02/16/2024
"recomend as a entry to gas blow backs 7/10
overall opinion its a great gun
out of the box its amazing
so after being able to not only use the gun for an outdoor game in the woods i can say it is decent performance compared to the AEG counterpart if thats what youre looking for dont recomend this gun but if you like the semi realistic recoil and gbb guns i can fully say that krytac made a great job at recreating the recoiless vector
gun is fairly accurate but in my eyes it looks like it could use a better bucking and barrel for further reach
+its a vector so it turns heads
+its gas blowback
+great for CQB games
+easy to take down/take apart
-parts are hard to find for now
-first generation of krytac vector some parts are known to shear themselves apart including the poppet and mock recoil system after 2000+ rounds
-gas is kinda tricky to calculate and getting bbs into the mag is also tricky to load the full 60 rounds
this gun is great but if you are apart of the few that own the first few thousand models i recomend future profing the gun to avoid replacement parts there is a video on how to do this
overall opinion its a great gun
out of the box its amazing
so after being able to not only use the gun for an outdoor game in the woods i can say it is decent performance compared to the AEG counterpart if thats what youre looking for dont recomend this gun but if you like the semi realistic recoil and gbb guns i can fully say that krytac made a great job at recreating the recoiless vector
gun is fairly accurate but in my eyes it looks like it could use a better bucking and barrel for further reach
+its a vector so it turns heads
+its gas blowback
+great for CQB games
+easy to take down/take apart
-parts are hard to find for now
-first generation of krytac vector some parts are known to shear themselves apart including the poppet and mock recoil system after 2000+ rounds
-gas is kinda tricky to calculate and getting bbs into the mag is also tricky to load the full 60 rounds
this gun is great but if you are apart of the few that own the first few thousand models i recomend future profing the gun to avoid replacement parts there is a video on how to do this
by Alec T. on 12/30/2023
"I've gotta say. This is probably the sexist piece of an replica ever. It feels good, shoots good and kicks ass.
HOWEVER, there are some major problems with its magazines.
I had to press so hard down on my BB loader to the point where the plastic had started breaking due to the amount of force I was putting trying to jam BBs into the mags. I tried 6mm proshop m4 speedloader, pistol speedloaders and they all have the same problem. You'll have to sand them down to get it in smoother.
On top of this, they even can misfeed and no longer fire from the top even if you feed them perfectly and tend to get stuck at the top of the feed lip. Again, you have to sand them down... I shouldn't have to be doing that on a Krytac :( Sometimes the spring that pushes to the top of the feedlips also gets stuck at the bottom, letting all your BBs fall out of the mag. WHY???
One match, three of my magazines crapped out on me, leaving with two magazines that were working. They were suffering from these said issues above. I was pissed that half my deaths were simply magazine problems. Please take note of this for whoever buys one.
tdlr; gun good, magazines are bad needs sanding on inside of feedlips to work better, misfeeds a lot
HOWEVER, there are some major problems with its magazines.
I had to press so hard down on my BB loader to the point where the plastic had started breaking due to the amount of force I was putting trying to jam BBs into the mags. I tried 6mm proshop m4 speedloader, pistol speedloaders and they all have the same problem. You'll have to sand them down to get it in smoother.
On top of this, they even can misfeed and no longer fire from the top even if you feed them perfectly and tend to get stuck at the top of the feed lip. Again, you have to sand them down... I shouldn't have to be doing that on a Krytac :( Sometimes the spring that pushes to the top of the feedlips also gets stuck at the bottom, letting all your BBs fall out of the mag. WHY???
One match, three of my magazines crapped out on me, leaving with two magazines that were working. They were suffering from these said issues above. I was pissed that half my deaths were simply magazine problems. Please take note of this for whoever buys one.
tdlr; gun good, magazines are bad needs sanding on inside of feedlips to work better, misfeeds a lot