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Rifle Dynamics Tunable Belgium Front Sight Gas and Block Combo for 45 and 90 Degree Gas Ports

ID: 117831 (ACC-RD-gasblock-45-90-bk)
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Rifle Dynamics


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  • Heavy duty steel construction
  • Black wear and scratch resistant oxide finish
  • Works with both 45 degree and 90 degree gas ports
  • Adjustable front screw that opens and closes gas
  • Tunable for reliability with us of different ammo types
  • Combines both the front sight and gas block into one unit
  • Moves weight back for improved handling
  • Adjustable windage and elevation
Our Rifle Dynamics Tunable front sight/gas block features a set screw on the front face to close & open gas. This makes it ideal for suppression as well as tuning for reliable use with a variety of ammo types. Similar to the RD Venom Gas Block, the RD Tunable gas block combines both the front sight and gas block into one unit, which will lighten up the front of your AK and will additionally make for a faster handling rifle by moving weight back and improving balance.

The Tunable FS/GB (front sight/gas block) features an adjustment screw on the front face of the block to either open or close off gas. The front sight mechanically adjusts the same as a traditional/standard AK front sight. The drum adjusts windage left and right, and the post screws up and down for elevation.

Manufacturer: Rifle Dynamics


Weight: 4.2oz
Sight ID: 0.597
Acceptable Journal Range: 0.590 - 0.599
Pinch Screw Torque: 25" - 50" lb

  • This gas block will not cover the existing gas block pin holes on your barrel. An extended handguard is the simplest way to make your build aesthetically pleasing, otherwise we would recommend purchasing the Rifle Dynamics Extended Tunable Front Sight/Gas Block that will cover the holes altogether, but will add 0.7oz to the front end.
  • For all Serbian/Yugoslavian, Chinese, Vepr, or other larger size barrels it will require a professional gunsmith for installation.
  • Gunsmith installation is not required, but highly recommended
  • 9/64 Allen wrench needed for clamping screws (Not included - We highly recommend using a tool such as Wheeler inch torque wrench and the use of thread locker to prevent the screws from backing out under fire)
  • 1/8th Allen wrench needed for gas set screw

  • Zeroing Recommendations:
    For RD builds we will traditionally do a rough zero at 25yds with the rear sight set at the 100 mark. This should get you on paper at 100yds. At that point adjust your elevation for a 100 or 200yd zero and print groups from 25yds to 300yds to know your drop.

    We suggest a 100yd zero for 7.62x39 AKs and a 200yd zero for 5.45x39 & 5.56x45. We've found that these distances provide the best groups for combat effective accuracy at different distances out to 300yds+ before needing to "hold over" or combat effective hits.

    About Rifle Dynamics

    Over a decade ago we fell in love with the AK. It was simple, reliable, and the most produced rifle in the world. It was also far from perfect and not well liked in the U.S.

    We're shooters first, builders second. We used our combined years of experience in the field and the shop to retool the AK, producing the most reliable and performance-based tools possible: AK's that handle with ease, are supremely reliable, incredibly accurate, beautifully crafted, and always deliver. We keep the nostalgia and history of the AK intact with each build and with an unmistakable flavor that can only be Rifle Dynamics.

    1 Customer Review

    (Write a review)

    by Margaret D. on 03/08/2025
    "These worked on my saiga 7.62, direct fit and function. Highly recommend

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