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OPSMEN Helmet Rails Adapter Attachment Kit for 3M Peltor Headsets (Type: ARC)

ID: 12082 (Com-M11-Peltor)
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Type Options:


  • Attach your Peltor headsets directly to your helmet without the headband
  • Compatible with ARC rails
  • Low profile and lightweight
  • Easy to install, QD design

Manufacturer: Opsmen Earmor


Compatibility: 3M Peltor Headsets, for Ops-Core ARC Helmet Rails

2 Customer Reviews

(Write a review)

by Dominick M. on 09/30/2020
"Works with arc rails and 1st gen peltors. Little snug fit, you can either sand down your rail a bit or use a rubber mallet to squeeze it onto the rail. Other than that its perfect.
by Long N. on 07/23/2021
"If you want to attach these to other headsets that Evike sells, you must use the same connector pieces that your current headset has.

Turn the connecting metal wire 90 degrees to detach it from the plastic connector pieces. Do the same in reverse to attach the headset to the adapter.

You will have to sand part of the adapter because they are somehow fatter than genuine OPSCORE ARC rail.

I dislike the fact that there is no option to swing out, they only pushes into the user's head.

If you have the cash, go for the UNITY MARK 2.0.

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