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6mmProShop GBR Airsoft Mechanical BB Shower Simulation Hand Grenade (Color: Grey / 4-Pack)

21 Customer Reviews

by Carol Y. on 12/11/2022
"Fun to use and affordable, good use of your reused / bad bbs
by Sam S. on 12/09/2022
"Cheap and works well
by Bob P. on 09/20/2022
"This is the best airsoft hand grenade if you are not looking for a dummy. Great price too! Get this one over the deep fire one, it is much more effective.
by Masn M. on 07/21/2022
"this grenade is good for clearing rooms and throwing into a foxhole or trench. very realistic.
by Victor N. on 07/11/2022
"i got this a few weeks ago and it is great, if you are low in money and need a grenade this is the way to go, don't have $100? then get this.

low cost
range is 12 ft around
by Paul Z. on 05/02/2022
"Good grenade, cheap and fun
by Vincent D. on 02/05/2022
"GOt one for free with my BOA purchase and it's pretty useful to have one on you when clearing rooms. Affordable and good outlet for your reused bbs.
by Joseph S. on 08/05/2021
"Got out of the swag pack
Works great scares the heck out of players
Pin falls out after a couple uses
Use as an impact nade works well gets room cleared
by William M. on 08/16/2020
"I have 2 let me tell you if you do alot of cqb those will clear room fast what i do is toss both this and one of my mod thunder beez lol clear those kids out of camping posts fast. Soo you dont wanna spend 80 bucks then someone steal it or break it
by Carlos G. on 03/18/2020
"I got one over the weekend 3/15/20 and at first it would only go off 1 out of 20 throws so it looked bad.
Then I took it home and took a look at the internals and realized that the mold was a bit too messy for what it was trying to do, so I took a file to the jagged edges smoothed it up and now it works perfectly. I'll definitely be getting more of these!
by Parker C. on 12/26/2019
"Best Grenade I have ever had 5 stars I love it!!!!
by Alexander D. on 02/24/2025
"When the arrived, they were impossible to activate, I didn't know then that there was a spacer that was supposed to be removed. Removing the black spacer makes these grenades fantastic.
by Joshua G. on 06/19/2024
"It’s alright, I guess. Good alternative to buying a $40 grenade and then having to use gas over and over again, not only risking it blowing up in your face but also the potentiality of it causing a fire.
by Madison M. on 03/09/2022
"You get what you pay for. Don't expect it to last hundreds or even more than a few dozen throws but its still cheaper than operating other grenades.
by Robin S. on 03/09/2021
"For a springer grenade this works very well. Got several people out the first few times and the impacts on armor are noticeable. Only callouts is the thing is a pain to load and the pin falls out too easily.