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LCT Airsoft AK Pistol Grip for AK Series Airsoft Rifles (Model: Bakelite Strands)

6 Customer Reviews

by Omar B. on 11/09/2024
"Wont fit TM Aks, but if you file the notches and use the supplied screw, it will. Tried on my cyma cm036
by Lawrence M. on 08/30/2023
"Durable, Cheap, and grips well. With LCT, you get what you pay for, and even their cheap stuff will last you a lifetime.
by Christian G. on 01/12/2023
"I feel I should mention that these will NOT fit TM spec CYMA AKs. They will fit VFC spec CYMA AKs.
by Christian G. on 01/04/2023
"Bought the $32 version to perfect a look for my CYMA RPK.
Happy to say it fits with no issues or modifications needed. I think its safe to assume it'll fit most CYMA AKs. It does come with a little flathead screw too but I went with the stock CYMA phillips head screw. Feels light years better than the CYMA stock black grip and it feels thinner too. Very smooth feeling but it won't slip out of your hand. I may have to get a couple more for some other guns. Definitely recommend it.
by Aaron R. on 05/20/2021
"Looks awesome in person !
by Edward M. on 08/12/2023
"This will work on an E&L Gen 2 Platinum receiver. The bakelite stain is little more orange in certain lighting. It definitely matches better with the E&L Gen 2 rosewood handguard.

It may require you to work on the hole at the bottom of the grip. LCT manufacturing process may have forgotten to give you a pilot hole for the included screw to attach to your v3 motor cage.