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F.L.T. Airsoft CNC Machined Bushings (Size: 8mm)

6 Customer Reviews

by CALEB K. on 02/04/2025
"Best bushings. They’re bushings, so it’s not like they make your gun magical over other brands, but I’ve split up all my other bushings into little bags for the variety of diameters. These are always on the larger size, which means I can punch them in and they NEVER MOVE. Zero need to glue/epoxy them into place.
They have fit in every single gearbox, whereas other brands have not, even Retro Arms.
by Brayden K. on 12/28/2023
"I got the 5.9 for an NGRS Scar-H. They work fine, yet to hand any issues with them and it’s been about a year
by Whit M. on 11/18/2020
"Required a bit of material removed before they fit in a Retro Arms shell, fantastic fit just extremely hard to press in. Almost frictionless, gears spin on these like they spin on low quality bearings which is very impressive. Easy to shim and setup sounds good, I can’t see ever having to shave these down. 10/10 would buy for any stressful build
by Ethan B. on 10/07/2020
"great in my DSG setup, good strong bushings... they're CNC steel for christ's sake!
by Brian G. on 05/24/2020
"Have these in all my builds. Never had one break or crack. They always have a tight fit with no slop in the gear box. Ran some on a m210 spring and never failed.
Buy these if you want you bushings to last forever.
by Nick W. on 11/27/2019
"I won't make this a long review.

Honestly, the best bushings money can buy. I've used mine forever under quite a bit of stress, in multiple builds mind you, and they've never failed or become ovaled.

If you want to get the best bushings you can, these are it.