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Strike Industries Extended Pivot / Takedown Pins (Color: Chrome)

4 Customer Reviews

by Luis D. on 02/04/2021
"Very well made and nicely machines takedown pins. These did fit my G&P/WA GBBR platform with no modification, so I assume the holes on my rifle are up to Mil-Spec. However, not all airsoft rifles have the same tolerances so do be aware.
by Dylan L. on 12/23/2017
"I love these things for my AR's. The dimple on the back of them make it super easy to punch them out if you want to change out uppers. Especially because I put my tensioning screws fairly tight to stop wobble between my uppers and lowers.
They also look (for lack of a better term) sexy on any rifle. The pivot pin has nice contours and gives your build that "custom" look to it.
by Lorin S. on 02/28/2017
"Very nice looking but these do not fit a PTS Mega Arms GBB rifle.

It's the rifles fault for not being mil-spec, but I thought I should mention it.
by Gene W. on 01/28/2019
"These DO NOT fit most airsoft AEGs. They may be great pins for a REAL AR platform but DO NOT fit on a single one of my AEGs.