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Angel Custom G2 SUS304 Stainless Steel Precision 6.01mm Airsoft AEG Tightbore Inner Barrel w/ R-HOP Installed (Length: 285mm)

5 Customer Reviews

by Tom M. on 04/19/2023
"Bought this for my CYMA SVD Paratrooper, 590mm barrel, installed easily, HUGE difference in distance and accuracy! Absolutely love it!!! You will not be disappointed.
by Charles S. on 11/17/2021
"I installed this barrel in an MTW with a phoenix hopup and a shaved down g&g green bucking. I had pinpoint accuracy and great range, easily hopping .32s. No complaints here. Will be purchasing another here soon.
by Jordan S. on 09/13/2020
"This barrel has worked good on my krytac hopup I got a short barrel to see how much it would do and this did not disappoint almost a laser only slight deviation on each shot
by Marshall M. on 05/29/2017
"Great barrel for the money. Works great. Definitely not an r-hop being the fact some barrels have different shaped windows. I highly doubt they have a team of people putting sugru on these barrels and selling them as umbrella.
by Albert H. on 05/26/2017
"Good accuracy, the barrel has a good weight to it. However I believe the R hop installed is actually a S-hop not a R-hop. I believe this because sugru material fills in the hop up window perfectly and a R-hop is a square cut out. The hop up is more close to a flat-hop.