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TS Blades Shuriken Dummy PVC Ninja Star for Training

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TS Blades



  • Safe for training polymer blades
  • Rigid enough to hold its shape, but flexible enough to be safe and durable
  • Classic 4-point star style shuriken
The dummy TS-SHURIKEN, the ninja stars with the perfect size to carry them in the MOLLE webbing of your tactical vest. Four-pointed star with a traditional design.

And most important, IT CAN BEND!

In addition, the material does not scratch or deform, and returns to its original state by applying the same force in the opposite direction.

Manufacturer: TS Blades


Material: PVC Polymer
Thickness: 5mm
Overall Length: 150mm

About TS Blades

TSBlades' commitment is to offer modern and up-to-date training blade designs, made with high quality materials and exceptional durability.

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