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THE BOX OF AWESOMENESS "Flash Edition" - Experts Edition 000

6 Customer Reviews

by Jake B. on 10/19/2023
"Great box. I got a M249 SAW. Very nice gun. These box’s are fun to buy because it’s keeps you excited to see what you’re going to get. Also it’s a heck of a deal paying a few hundred bucks to get double or triple the amount
by Laif L. on 02/10/2023
"Love This Box! Highly recommend Boa's too beginners!
by Laif L. on 02/10/2023
"Defiantly Pleased With The Box I Got!
by Joshua W. on 09/07/2021
"I am completely blown away. Totally expecting some CYMA guns, maybe the Demo M4. I open up to the G&P M249 and GUNPOWER SMT. I never win anything this big, but this is insane. Thank you Evike!
by Aljay C. on 09/07/2021
"PTS Radian Licensed Model 1 LM4 Gas Blowback Rifle by KWA !!!!! wow was shooting for the common box ahahah !! love this ever time!!!
by Gavin D. on 09/02/2021
"Knew I only had a 20% chance of getting something other than the dragunov and demo ranch and got lucky with the sig mcx. Every possible outcome was great. Would buy again