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AR500 Armor Level III+ ASC Body Armor Plate (Model: 10"x12" / Flat / Base Coat)

ID: 18470 (Armor-AR500-9155)
9155 / 3+10X12FR
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AR500 Armor


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  • Level III+ rifle rated for 7.62x51 M80 Ball (.308 win) @ 3,000 fps
  • Most independently reviewed and tested body armor in the world
  • AR500 Armor high hard specially treated ballistic steel core construction
  • Rigorous quality control standards for consistency and performance
  • Rugged and stress fracture resistant
  • Minimally invasive forming process on Multi-Curved models preserves armor integrity
  • 20-Year maintenance free shelf life
Our armor ballistic core performance and balance of achieving multi-hit performance within its designated threat level; rounds exceeding the armors limitations and threat level or extreme multi-hit scenarios may cause the armor to crack upon impact. This result is normal and significantly reduces the rounds velocity, if not completely defeating, opposed to through and through penetration.

Manufacturer: AR500 Armor


Size: 10" x 12" Advanced Shooters Cut
Profile: Thin, approximately 0.26 profile
Weight: 8.5 lbs
Style: Flat
Armor Rating: Level III+ multi-hit protection against 5.56x45 M193, 5.56x45 M855/SS109 at 3,100 FPS (+/- 30FPS), 7.62x51 M80 Ball (ie .308) at 3,000 FPS (+/- 30FPS), and DEA Certified

Please Note: Our Patented ASC Level III+ Body Armor now ships with our lighter more agile ASC cut to reduce loadout weight and increase user mobility.

About AR500 Armor

AR500 Armor® launched its own line of ballistic armor and body armor solutions in 2012. We entered the industry with the mindset of manufacturing top quality, reliable products that offered our customers high value solutions. Our products are intended for responsible law-abiding American citizens, our law-enforcement personnel, and our military personnel; we currently sell to legal residents of the United States.

With our unique in-house manufacturing processes and ability to acquire material made to our specifications, weve set the standard for ballistic steel core body armor. Utilizing industry leading spall and fragmentation mitigation coatings we've further increased what's possible with ballistic steel. Our products are available through our website and authorized dealers throughout the United States. AR500 Armor® is a privately held business; Our Headquarters, team members, and manufacturing facility are located in Phoenix, Arizona.

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