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Colt Licensed High Grade Precision Airsoft Tracer BBs (Weight: 0.25g / 1kg / Green)

ID: 19089 (BB-CG-183022)
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Cybergun / Spartan Mil/LEColt

$20.95 $16.99

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  • Precision manufactured with smooth polished finish (5.95mm +/- 0.01)
  • Perfectly spherical and smooth with no seams or surface imperfections
  • High precision BBs maintain and can even improve the accuracy and performance of your Airsoft gun
  • Comes in a high quality resealable bag, measured out in 1kg quantities
  • Bright green glow for easy shot tracking, looks awesome at night! (tracer unit required, sold separately)

Manufacturer: Cybergun, Licensed by Colt


Weight: 0.25g
Diameter: 5.95 0.01mm
Color: White (Green Glow)
Quantity: 1kg (4000 rounds)

About Cybergun / Spartan Mil/LE

Cybergun is the world leader in designing and distributing replica dummy weapons for video game aficionados, sport or outdoor shooting, and collectors.

3 Customer Reviews

(Write a review)

by Bennett R. on 11/19/2021
"good bb’s pretty bright and accurate
by Brian R. on 12/02/2023
"I wanted to write a follow up review, I purchased allot of bags of the 0.25 when they went on sale, I have probably some where in the neighborhood of 20,000 rounds right now
(will probably last me a year)

its kind of the cardinal rule of airsoft not to buy real gun brands, but at the time evike did not have any other tracer ammo in stock, so I bit the bullet and purchased these at something like $12 a bag.

I discovered that these rounds are dry, bone dry, they have never had any sort of lubrication applied to them, and it caused an absurd amount of mis feeds per magazine, regardless of the brand or quality of magazine (pts epm, krytac, cyma, even mags with super feed springs in them)

some of them would out right jam and not feed at all, even after ejecting, taping, cleaning, lubing, praying on every mag they just would not feed, I was seriously considering just trashing them because they will not feed reliably in any gun.

as a last ditch effort I purchased a can of silicone oil from home depot and poured all the bbs onto a cookie sheet and sprayed them pretty liberally with the silicone oil.

it solved all of my problems, these feed perfectly now, in every single gun.

so im kind of torn on this, they are in fact (surprisingly) good bbs, and because of the brand, you can easily end up with a bunch of these when they go on sale. so thats my advice, if you dont mind the labor of spraying these with silicone oil, wait for these to go on sale, pick up a bunch, and save a bunch.
by Brian R. on 10/12/2023
"they perform as they should, they perfom on par with their weight class (.20s shoot like regular .20s, same with with .25s) and light up nice and bright. they are smooth but they strike me to be lower quality, the only reason I mention that is for some bizarre reason I will get misfeeds with this brand, regardless of gun, upgrades, or magazine, some magazines are pickier than others but its pretty much guranteed at some point that ill get a slew of misfeeds. I strongly suspect that this ammo is not lubricated enough, I have no other tracer ammo to confirm, and ill throw the mp5 under the bus as those curves in the track for the bbs are super tight. but I find it very odd that I will get misfeeds with just these alone, and everything else feeds fine, regardless of weight. it will misfeed every other round for about 5-10 shots, so one pull would be dry fire, the next it would feed, the next would dry fire etc. im happy with them, but I might try to mix it up a little in the future, but the price was good. I am giving it 4 stars for this reason.

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