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Kalashnikov Licensed High Grade Precision Airsoft BBs (Weight: 0.30g / 2000rds)

ID: 19101 (BB-GG-123505)
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Cybergun / Spartan Mil/LEKalashnikov


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The manufacturer of this product enforces a strict minimum advertised price (MAP) policy which excludes this product from any additional discount coupon codes. This item, however, may qualify for free shipping.


  • Precision manufactured with smooth polished finish (5.95mm +/- 0.01)
  • Perfectly spherical and smooth with no seams or surface imperfections
  • High precision BBs maintain and can even improve the accuracy and performance of your Airsoft gun
  • Resealable bottle with easy to use pour spout

Manufacturer: Cybergun, Licensed by Kalashnikov


Weight: 0.30g
Diameter: 5.95 0.01mm
Color: White
Quantity: 2000

About Cybergun / Spartan Mil/LE

Cybergun is the world leader in designing and distributing replica dummy weapons for video game aficionados, sport or outdoor shooting, and collectors.

1 Customer Review

(Write a review)

by CARLOS M. on 12/13/2023
"Great BBs, I played 3 games with this product and shoot very well with my CYMA also in my NORVRITSCH.

Good product for good price

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