"This gun is one of the first I ever had my eye on when I started airsofting. The Thompson smg is my favorite of all time historical platform, and the 1928 model trumps all. I was very disappointed upon seeing it sold out, and even more so when it remained sold out for TWO YEARS. By then my tastes in airsoft had grown and I had amassed a formidable airsoft collection, but this still remained 1# on my "to get" list. Then, one day I was looking at it on Evike (again) and I idly clicked on the Find in Store button. To my shock, I saw that it was in stock at the Houston, TX location. I immediately called CS and setup an order and had it shipped to me from the store. I spent my savings for a real AR-15 to buy this, I wanted it that much. Now, getting to the gun itself, this is a beautiful replica. I ordered the imitation wood, and it just felt gross on such a beautiful gun. It is pretty thin and hollow sounding. It's also pretty weak, I'm sure it would crack if you dropped it. I hated it so much that I immediately spent another $119 on the real wood furniture, and I highly recommend buying it with the real wood option, as that's just an extra $75 instead of $119 to buy it separately, and it feels and looks great on this gun. Getting back to topic, the correctly placed charging handle is one of the largest factors of why I wanted this gun, because having you're charging handle in a completely wrong spot and of the wrong type is a huge problem, and it's more than enough to deter me from buying a 1920's model. The trademarks are correct, the bolt is correct, this feels like a real Thompson. The weight is correct, about 9 lbs loaded, as near as I can tell.
Looks absolutely amazing
Shoots very well with 11.1 v Lipo
High cyclic rate (Like a Thompson)
Great hop-up
Looks absolutely amazing (Getting a bit of Deja Vu)
Coolest gun in like, ever
Pretty good trigger
Startlingly accurate
Got some oomph behind it, shoots hard, whoever you shoot is going to have welts
Did I mention it looks absolutely amazing?
Might be too heavy for some people, but only if you're used to full-polymer guns
Sights are a little hard to line up
Imitation wood is bleh, but that's kind of a granted
Orange cap fought back like a beast
A few notes that might help: The orange cap was... a new experience. The pin holding it in is glued in place, and it's not in threads, just a plain pin, so an Allen key is not going to work. I had to shave away a ton of material, then wiggle it out with needle nose pliars. This was easy compared to getting the cap itself off of the muzzle. First, the good old reliable wrench. Didn't budge. Next, the channel lock wrench. Nothing. Next, a few matches to heat it up and then the channel lock again. Did nothing but a little blackening. After trying pulling, wrenching, twisting, I opened my wallet once again (It's literally sobbing from hunger by now) and bought a heat gun. I tried the old-fashioned way, letting it heat for a couple minutes and then trying to wrench it off. Not a millimeter of movement. After repeating this process a dozen times, and trying a multitude of methods, including putting it in a vise, I took a chisel and slowly melted the cap off, moving away each melted piece with the chisel. Finally, after melting off almost half of the cap, it came off, only for me to find a lot of the paint taken off. A few coats of matte black paint and ultra curing with the heat gun fixed this though, and it blends in perfectly, it's the exact right shade. Now, mag compatibility. The polymer King Arms mid-caps feed well, and I saw that someone in the reviews said that the drum mag causes fps loss, which for mine is not true. It's true that the drum doesn't sit as close to the hop-up as the stick magazines do, but the performance is the same. 350 fps, 1.15 J, 20 rps with an 11.1v Lipo, stick or drum. Lastly, the hop-up is great, the only thing is that even set to the lowest position it still travels up at the end of its flight. This isn't a problem though, because it already travels really far before going up, and it's better to have it travel up instead of down at the end of its flight. It doesn't cause a problem in the least. On an end note, I can't recommend this gun enough, both for looks and performance. 10000000000000000/10!
"Bought myself 2 of these since they were on sale this week.
Externally these guns are gorgeous. Minus the incorrect stock, these are pretty close externally to the M1928 Thompson models.
Out of the box, both have shot around 380 FPS.
Also, the wood furniture seems to consistently be a bit loose on each Thompson, so you'll to tighten those up.
They have inline mosfets, no fancy programmability but whatever.
The orange tips are drenched in superglue and really annoying to have to remove. There are also tiny metal pins in the orange tips.
For some reason, the charging handles are coated in grease. I'd recommend wiping it off before using them in any outdoor games.
I don't recommend using the drum mags that are included. While they do feed, they cause significant FPS loss, by around 80 or so FPS. I'm guessing this is because the drum mags dont sit as close to the hopup unit as standard Thompson stick mags do. Standard King Arms Thompson stick mags don't have this issue and feed just fine with no FPS loss.
Internals are actually fairly good. Theres a QCS system utilized for the gun. The wiring extension that goes from the receiver to the stock is also wired to deans. Very solid cool guns and I'm glad I got them while they were on sale.