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Pre-Order ETA August 2025 Raptor MP443 Grach Gas Blowback Airsoft GBB Pistol

6 Customer Reviews

by Julian B. on 08/25/2022
"Unless you are Ok with upgrading or will deal with poor performance for the sake of looks I'd recommend choosing a different pistol. From factory my magazine leaked out the base and brings to light why they sell a replacement seal on this site. The mag also doesn't slide smoothly into place either needing not a huge amount but force or holding the mag release while seating the mag. The trigger has a long take and a heavy but crisp break. It is a two stage trigger and the gun is single action. Personally I really like the look of this pistol so I had to have it. Again if you want good performance look somewhere else. But if you want a specific look and just have to have it it's not the worst. Another reviewer already went over the upgrades for better performance So I'll skip that here.
by Lucas G. on 06/28/2021
"This is Raptor's first entry into the GBB world, and it shows: while the external quality is great, they dropped the ball in the most important part of a GBB: the piston head, inexplicably choosing an oversized o-ring instead of a cup type seal that's standard for any modern GBB.

- The very first true GBB Grach on the market
- Solid construction
- Standard bucking and barrel
- 25 rounds magazines

- Finish is quite easy to scratch
- Extremely gas inefficient, which in turn provides bad efficiency, low FPS (~250), inconsistency, mild recoil, poor handling at lower temps.

Upgrades needed:
- Change the piston o-ring to double the gas efficiency. Original is 15mm outer diameter x 2mm thickness, replace with a 15mmx1.8mm 70D

Upgrades recommended:
Maple Leaf 50º bucking, Maple Leaf 6.02x97mm inner barrel, Maple Leaf I-key

With those simple upgrades you can get very consistent 300FPS, about 60 shots for each gas fill, a stronger and snappier recoil, better performance in cold weather, and top-tier accuracy and range. An easy fix, but still, a required fix that shouldn't be there.
by Robert S. on 12/25/2021
"Twi provides one of the first widely available Grach Mp443 GBB replicas, and while I'm appreciative they have brought it to the market, I fear they have rushed to bring it into a market too soon. Twi provides an excellent platform for Rusfor milsim players to modify internally into a decent GBB Which externals satisfy a modern setup.
Trigger- The original Grach is a double action pistol. This GBB replica while appears double action, in functionality is just a single action trigger with a boat load of slop before the pull. For my particular GBB I drilled, tapped, and installed a set screw to preload this sloppy trigger, so it is a true single action. They should've chosen a single action or stayed to the original double action, and not a compromise.
Safety- Safety is ambidextrous, which is good for left-handed shooters; However, the safety detent clicks in place use a piece of folded spring rod rather than a detent. A ball detent would've been smoother, and not required excessive finger force to move between safety and fire.
Magazine release- Release is nice, and locks magazine firmly with minimal rattling. What is interesting to me is the magazine release can to be moved from right hand to left hand. This is not only important to left hand shooters, but also people like that that have abnormally short thumbs. The magazine release moves the left-handed shooter position, I am able to release the mag with my right middle finger and not have to change my grip to drop the mag. Reversing from right hand mag release to left does require tech work, and some modifying of the magazine lever, but can nonetheless be done.
Magazine!- As the saying goes for real firearm design, "a firearm lives and dies by the design of its magazine". This is especially true for airsoft gas pistols, as poorly designed seals and hardware and lead to a completely nonfunctional gas pistol. This is the Achilles heel of this particular platform, which suffers from massive magazine leaking issues right out of the box. Thankfully items to rework these magazines is available to consumers. Average airsofter aren't going to want to deal with the issues out of the box. Co2 mags are currently in development according to retail sources, though they should've have waited to release green gas and co2 variant right out of the gate.
In general, it's an ok pistol, but it shows signs of being rushed to market before the fundamental kinks, such as the magazine hadn't yet been polished yet. If your dead set on having a Grach like I was, be prepared to perform work on the magazines out of the box.
by Ryan W. on 02/24/2023
"Good replica but far too many gas issues out of the box. Needs a lot of work to be useable.
by Jake S. on 06/26/2023
"Reason being I couldn’t even fire the thing I had heard that gen 1 grachs couldn’t hold gas but didn’t think it happen until I fired a few shots. Sadly as good as the gun is built these mag issues are too much to even warrant buying right now until the company addresses it. Not even the box magazine could hold gas to the point the gun couldn’t even cycle dry, turning into a fart gun more than a pistol. All and all the gun is built nice but don’t rely on the mags unless you wanna buy a gen 3 kit for every mag you buy.
by Daniel G. on 03/03/2023
"Where to start? Mags leak horribly. I went through and tried replacing all the bottom orings on the fill side and they started leaking out the top release valve. Once you get everything tightened down and in the gun it leaks out the gun after 4-5 shots so it just dumps all the gas (I bought 3 extra mags and all 4 do the same thing). The gun itself needs help too. On mine I have to depress the mag release to put a mag in which isn't a huge deal by itself. The gas that was getting to propel the bb was weak, inaccurate and inconsistent. I did almost everything I could to get this thing to work and gave up after spending an extra $150 on parts to fix everything and figure it's just not work even trying anymore. I would steer away from this gun until they fix their manufacturing issues.