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Cybergun 2000 Round Auto-Winding Box Magazine for Airsoft M249 Series AEG (Color: Tan)

13 Customer Reviews

by Joshua G. on 02/27/2025
"All I gotta say is that this is much better than the A&K box mags and so far there is no better alternative. The sound control for this is a bit funky, it’ll wind when I’m running because the shaking of the gun tricks the non-switch sound control to think the gun is shooting which over time damages the mag. Regardless again, there is no better alternative at the moment so just save yourself the trouble and buy this. UNLESS you want to hot wire the mag to the motor, there is a box mags for that.
by Chadd P. on 10/24/2023
"I thought I had a problem with this at first, until I realized that the plastic on the receiver of the "featherweight" SAWs heavily influences how well a magazine lines up. I ended up shimming my receiver outward just a bit, and this thing has fed 100% ever since. Be sure to turn it off or take out the batteries, because they will die if you leave it in sound mode. Excellent mag! (I was about to say "for the price," but that's not true... I'd have paid more if I'd have known how reliable this thing is.)
by Zach H. on 08/16/2023
"Works very well and is sturdy. I bought an A&K box mag and it broke within 2 minutes of me using it. Highly recommend!
by Chadd P. on 09/17/2022
"My Cybergun featherweight M249 (that I got in an accurately named Box of Awesomness!) didn't like this magazine at first, but I found that the magazine well was just a little out of alignment. I shimmed the area between the magazine well and the gearbox until it was feeding 100%. Since then, the magazine has been perfect! The fact that my gun was out of alignment says nothing about the magazine.
by Bryan G. on 04/17/2022
"So far, so good!

Fielded this boxmag for the first time at a game this weekend with my Cybergun M249 Featherweight with an upgraded high-torque motor and a 9.6v battery and not even a hiccup from it, fed flawlessly.


-sound-activated feed is responsive and reliable

-you can refill it via a large trap door on the side of the boxmag, so you don't even have to disconnect it from the gun to reload.

Cons -

- the build quality of the outer shell doesn't seem outstanding, not awful though

Overall it definitely has a legup when compared to the a&k and classic army m249 boxmags I've used in the past! Definitely a good buy, especially for the price.
by Saul M. on 01/21/2022
"Works great with my Hpa featherweight m249 and can keep up with my rate of fire compared to other box mags
by Saul M. on 01/01/2022
"I just got mine in yesterday new years Eve and tested it out on my hpa m249 featherweight saw and surprisingly for it having 2 Double A batteries compared to others like classic army who runs a 9v battery and mag who uses a lipo battery I can honestly say this magazine is a tank it keeps up with my ROF at 25rps that's my fields limit feeds the larger weights nice no jams easy to fill but the reload port is a little small if you decide to just dump your BBS in there so be careful the motor wind speed is stupid fast faster than the A&K version overall this is a great mag for my m249 brothers and sisters who own one and it fits nice and snug no wobble at all
by Josh T. on 01/09/2024
"Fits fine in an all-metal A&K M249, but it's a wicked tight fit compared to the regular big green 2500rd box. I had to reshape the small end of the taper and thin the topside, as well as the latch itself in order to get a reasonable fit. Runs great, though.
by Bryce T. on 05/05/2024
"I have a love/hate relationship with this Magazine. I’ve bought 4 so far. My first one was amazing, kept up a high speed motor and ran like a top till it crapped out. The other 2 I had I sold less than a month after I got them because I didn’t need 3 magazines at the time. After my first ran dead I got my second….which lasted all of 3 games before it stopped working completely. Take my opinion with a grain of salt but I’ve seen it at its best and its worst.
by jeremiah w. on 12/04/2023
"Had to do some sanding on the parts that connect to my gun, not complaining there because I'm not sure if it was a compatability issue or not. Afterwards worked amazingly with a 30 rps saw, and never had issues, reloading and changing the batteries are both very easy and convenient with this mag. But now after 20 or so matches it will now sometimes not work. It hasn't been nocked around much aside from running with it in my hands. I assume a loose connection and I will try to fix it but it is a shame a product that worked so well lasted a very short time.
by Connar A. on 11/15/2022
"Let me just get this straight: when this mag works, it WORKS! It's easily able to keep up with my 25 rps A&K M249.....when it feeds anyway. The thing is, is that there's a lot of prep work that had to be done before I could get it to feed properly AND make it fit. First off, the part where you secure the mag to the gun just wouldn't fit initially. I had to sand it for a good bit until it finally fit tightly in there. Secondly, when the bullet hose is actually connected to the gun, the part where it feeds tilts inwards towards the back and causes the bbs to jam up and only sometimes fire. I fixed this via putting a strip of thick adhesive velcro to even out how it sit in the mag well and only just now is it working fine.

If this all sounds like a hassle, that's because it is! Which kinda sucks because the actual performance after jury-rigging it myself is phenomenal! I've been using the noise-activated function for the mag and it's been working great! The look is also very nice and it doesn't eat through batteries like a couple of my previous mags. Overall, if it weren't for the issues listed above, this would easily be a 5/5. Because of said issues however, I'll have to give it a 3/5. I can only truly recommend it if you're willing to put the work in like I did, though I don't think the customer should really have to put in all that work at all for something like a box mag....
by Douglas D. on 10/19/2024
"Worked great for a game then completely and entirely quit working, neither the auto wind nor sound control worked after that. However this the first sound control that actually worked when it did work, it's also worth noting the mag piece has retainer that stops bbs from spilling everywhere which is VERY nice. I was able to salvage the mag by completely rewiring the mag to a pressure switch. That said would not recommend buying these.
by jeremiah w. on 03/28/2024
"Had this mag for maybe 20 hours of play before it stopped working. No response when I turn the mag on, tried fresh batteries twice and checked connections near batteries. I think a board went bad and it's ridiculous it happened so early.