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Action Army 22rd Magazine for AAP-01 "Assassin" Gas Airsoft Pistol

6 Customer Reviews

by Laif L. on 02/17/2023
"This mag is perfect, I have never had issues with them, I have also hpa tapped it and it worked like a dream.
by Phillipe F. on 03/31/2022
"No issues so far. They hold up pretty well and only issue ive had is that the o-rings tend to fall out pretty easily unless you lube them properly
by Brian Z. on 09/30/2020
"Seems well built just think it is weird this shipped before the aap-01 lol
by Tyler R. on 10/20/2024
"I got one with the gun and ordered another separately. Both lost the o-ring on the inlet valve almost immediately, which makes it much harder to fill them with gas. It’s an easy fix but still a bit frustrating. Other than that, they’re very well built.
by Brayden K. on 08/18/2022
"work fine in the aap-01, slide wont lock back when you're out of ammo if using a Glock
by Joey Z. on 11/22/2020
"Ok, so this magazine is pretty cool for what it is, it holds plenty gas, built like a tank and one of the cheapest glock mag on the market, but for some reason the fill valve is horrible? The o ring fell out in about 3 fills and even with a new replacement o ring it still fell out in about 5 fill some how. I will be contacting Evike about it but it is quite a shame that a green gas can can just pull the o ring out.