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Airsoft Grenade Shape Loader Bottle with BBs (Weight: .20g / 800 Rounds)

ID: 23820 (20BBGrenade)
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  • 1:1 scale replica, compact size for easy transportation
  • Printable into any color of your desire
  • Holds 800 Airsoft 6mm bbs of any weight
Carry your ammo with you in style. This ergonomic 1:1 scale grenade replica bb holder is both slick looking and effective!

Manufacturer: HFC / Y&P


Content: 0.20g 6mm Airsoft bb x 800 rounds.

20 Customer Reviews

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by Omar D. on 06/05/2015
"These little grenades are awesome! the bbs it comes with are polished .20g and worked great. it holds 800 bbs and has 2 ways of unloading them into a high cap mag. you can unscrew the top and dump them in, or (the coolest part) you can flip a switch on the very top that opens up a small hole just large enough for 1 bb to come out at a time! it works great for filling up my p90 high cap magazine. Well, needless to say they look like a real pineapple grenade (wish they had the baseball grenades!)

Get one, or get two! You won't be disappointed.
by Andrew G. on 02/08/2015
"Awesome little way to store your extra bb's. I have 2 of these on my load out and I must say they fit absolutely perfect in the MOLLE Multi-Purpose Handheld FRS Radio MOLLE Pouch - OD Green which can be found here at evike. I bought the pouchs after getting some radios but size of radios was too big. So when I was looking for a good use. I stumbled upon these bb holders and they worked out just perfect!
by josh z. on 05/05/2013
"Great bb storage for field use. I only run four mid caps so having this makes reloading in the field easier and a lot more lightweight than carrying a big bag or bottle that you have no good place to put. these will clip onto your gear fit into a pouch but still carry a good amount of bb's so you wont run out

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