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Matrix 0.12g Match Grade 6mm Airsoft BB (Rounds: 10,000)

ID: 24105 (BB-M12-5Kx2)
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$16.18 $13.75Epic Deal


  • Manufactured & designed in Japan & Taiwan
  • Made from environmentally friendly materials
  • Designed for professional training & simulation gaming
  • Highest Rating in Accuracy, Grouping, and Range. Minimal Jamming
  • Made by the #1 BB manufacturer; Matrix provides the biggest selection of high grade BBs in the world
  • Affordable, factory direct pricing to ensure you don't settle for less and risk damaging your gun
  • When Airsofting, play safe, play hard, play responsibly, and be respectful
  • Proper eye protection must be worn at all times when operating an Airsoft Gun
  • NEVER brandish an Airsoft Gun in public

  • Manufacturer: Matrix Tactical Systems / Taiwan


    Weight: 0.12g
    BB Count: 10,000
    Precision: 10/10 Match Grade
    Diameter: 5.95mm+1mm
    Application: For all Airsoft applications

    Selecting Airsoft BBs:
    You are only as good as your BBs. Accuracy and range start with precision BBs. Precision BBs provide minimal difference between the diameter of your inner barrel and the BB itself creating the perfect air seal. To ensure maximum accuracy, range and power, without jamming, we urge all Airsoft players to use only high quality Precision / Match grade BBs.

    Recommended Power to BB Weight*:
    0.12g: 200~280 fps
    0.20g: 240~370 fps
    0.23g: 330~430 fps
    0.25g: 350~480 fps
    0.28g: 390~500 fps
    0.30g: 400~600 fps
    0.40g: 450~600+ fps
    *The chart above is for reference only. The best way to determine the weight that works best with your Airsoft gun is to test them. Results will vary due to factors such as hopup, wind, inner barrel diameter, brand, etc.

    About Matrix

    Established in 2001 for Airsofters by Airsofters. Team Matrix thrive on the vision to better the sport of Airsoft with affordable high quality Airsoft equipment. With decades of experiences as Airsoft enthusiasts ourselves, we live, sleep, and breathe Airsoft. Matrix offers a wide selection of skirmish grade replicas from rifles to pistols, a wide variety of accessories, and tactical equipment from helmets to boots. It is the Matrix mission to prepare every Airsoft shooter the perfect experience!

    6 Customer Reviews

    (Write a review)

    by chris m. on 10/16/2012
    "I like these expetialy when there my teams colors. also i wouldnt use these in anything other than springers. Tornadoes, M203 shells ect ect.
    by Griffin R. on 12/19/2010
    "These are great for indirect airsoft devices. I use them in our teams Claymores, and they're perfect. The lighter rounds go further and the spread is better. Also they are far cheaper than the precision rounds meant to be used in high end AEGs. I really recommend these for IADs or any explosive type ordnance.
    by casey M. on 03/01/2009
    "the guy below me used them for guns... get these for homemade mortars, grenades,ect. ect. becouse they are cheap and you need lots of them

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