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Avengers Mesh Transformer Modular Mask w/ Visor & Neck Guard (Color: Black)

15 Customer Reviews

by Ricky S. on 08/24/2012
"Got the mask on 8/24 in the store, super friendly staff and the new building is amazing.

The mask fits "medium nicely" over my glasses, kind of a tight squeeze but you really get used to it. Immediately after buying the mask I went over to tac city and it performed great, protected my face like it should and Looks great.

Can be stripped down to just the goggles and mouth guard or any combination you would like(thick, thin, any kind of glasses should fit)

Cannot see down the barrel of my shotgun very well, or an AEG with a holo scope, but its fine.
by ethan w. on 03/19/2012
"i like the mesh goggles but the rest of it is pretty cheap plastic. great mask for the price though
by Sam M. on 10/05/2011
"Love this thing. I ended up striping it down to just the goggles and the visor, which is a unique look on the field. Never had a BB shatter in my face, and I never complain about fogging. Best of all I can always put the mask back together if you need full face protection. If the one I have ever breaks I'll buy another one.
by Taylor H. on 07/24/2011
"theres a reason your supossed to wear shooting glasses under them
by Truman C. on 03/20/2009
"All i ever use is this mask. The great thing about it is that u can stipp it down to the goggles. plus it has has absolutely no fog.
by Joseph H. on 01/27/2009
"Ok, this is to the FIRST reviewer. WHAT EVER HAPPENED TO GOGGLES UNDER A MESH MASK. And i would wear goggles under anything EXCEPT a mask w/ a lens on it. This mask is pretty beast if u use it RIGHT.
by Blake C. on 07/22/2008
"Lets start by say that it is rather bigger then must mask. I'm not saying thats bad or good. If you can read it's made of mesh which means if you don't wear safety glasses under them, and a biodegradable bb hits it, it will shatter in your face. At first glance of receiving my mask i thought it was cheap looking, but when i put it on it felt good. It does come with a removable neck protector and visor,but the bad thing is that if you remove both of them they might not stay on next time you play around with your friends. I like the way the design is on the mask as well as the fact it comes w/ mash eye protection.
by David K. on 07/03/2008
"This is the only mesh mask around that is full face. For those looking for a mesh mask this is a 5. It is pretty much the best mesh full face mask out there. You can't find better.

For those that read the disclaimer / want a mask with a lens, don't buy this one.

Advantage of a mesh mask: It will never fog.
Disadvantage of a mesh mask: bio degradeable bb can go thru it. Cheap bb can go thru it. So you MUST wear a goggle under it.
by Yuvette W. on 12/18/2012
"Got this face mask a week ago and so for it has been a decent mask for the money. You have to get used to the neck guard. I hope this mask holds up because everything else I buy from here seems to break.
by matthieu c. on 11/14/2011
"Good mask overall but the neck guard pins fell off the first time i wore it but i guess it doesnt matter since i didnt want it
by barbara g. on 01/05/2011
"i use this mask at every game i play and i have never had a bb shatter through the mesh. the only big problem i have it that the wire mesh is glossy so it does have a glare if it is hit by direct sunlight which could be a problem. it is flexible so it allows u to aim through your optics or iron sights. i dont play with the neck guard on because i feel as it would limit my range of motion for my head. what i can tell from the neck guard though is it will do its job it is made of a rubber. over all i would recommend this mask
by Ting I. on 03/03/2009
"Tbh its not that bad its a cheap mask so you can easily modify it. All i did was insert a flexible plastic sheet behind the mesh and removed the neck guard. The plastic strip techinically stops any fragmentation and there is sufficient air flow above and beneath the 4cm strip to avoid any fogging up.
by Mike H. on 12/29/2008
"This mask is great for the price, it's comfortable and gives you a large field of view.
The only problem is if you use a gun with a scope it's hard to look down the scope due to the width of the mask, it is possible, just a little annoying.
by Garrett C. on 12/18/2008
"I bought these just for the mesh goggles and not for the full face mask. So for those you you looking for just mesh goggles, buy these and take the rest of the plastic off. All snaps together so no cutting required, the foam is a little thick and the strap seems pretty big and not too easy for someone with a small head to use but I could be wrong, Overall a pretty good set of goggles.
by Joshua B. on 08/04/2008
"Great mesh mask. Fits easily around my glasses, provides full protection.
Allows me to laugh at my teammates when they are getting pummeled by bb's while wearing only safety glasses. The only modification I made was to remove the neck guard, it prevented me from sighting in my gun properly, and was easily removed (as it is designed to)