"I did a review on a silver, 2" snub UA937, and now as promised in THAT review, I'm doing a review on the UA938. I absolutely love this revolver series, especially after getting a 6" barrel model, but my intention is to use them (possibly in dual wield) at under 20 ft range. It's a smart spring action, but it's still a spring action weapon, so don't expect to conquer the world.
That being said, I'd absolutely recommend this model and length (color irrelevant) to anyone looking for a fast, fun, and performance acceptable side arm for under 20 ft range or so. Let it be known as an overlying point that this 6" model is capable of plenty more of 20 ft virtually without issue. I'm personally amazed at the ability and construction of this weapon relative to its price tag. Amazing.
You can dual wield pistols of this family quite well, but if you have smaller hands like me you might benefit greatly from using 2 hands to operate 1 pistol faster. I find fanning is spammy but hard to aim from the hip, but using the sights and using a 2nd hand for the hammer is nearly as fast as fanning, but much more accurate and stable.
NOTE: I've seen talk that an 8" barrel is too long and MAY be counter intuitive for accuracy. You have been warned.
-Spring action design allows for way more fire rate than competing spring pistols, to the point where it's actually pretty alright in terms of firepower. Further, the action allows for you to cock the weapon with 1 hand, which is a total game changer among spring pistols. Put simply, you can refire it faster, more easily, without taking it off target, and even in dual wield.
-Simple mechanism of operation insures that any mechanical failures (which as I've seen are 100% user invoked) can be sorted out easily, quickly, and with almost no confusion. The action is so simple, it really figures.
-Comes with 2 spare shells plus your basic 6. Since I've gotten 2 of these pistols, I have 18 shells total, giving me more than enough spares. The shells are also hard to use due to their considerable size and uniform color.
-Straighter shooting and (somehow) less wind effect on this than the 2" model I own. I theorize the longer barrel gives it more time to stabilize out and kick in the hop as intended, and the 2" simply doesn't have the same clarity of trajectory, so it gets tossed around a bit more. Regardless, I compared the two side by side, with a friend, and the difference is unmistakable, for whatever reason.
-Well built parts and construction. I never noticed how much breaking in I did on my 937 in my _ 12 hours of reload drills, but I noticed it on my new model that hasn't grown beside me as the first had. Regardless, after some breaking in it'll handle well and the features are just oh-so-much fun.
-Accuracy is more than acceptable for its effective range. In fact, it's often quite remarkable in my experience, nearly on par with with pistols well above its price point and class.
-Can be dual wielded quite well, but I find the barrel length less easy to keep stable than smaller barrels. If you're low on stamina in a fight you might need to rest it over a wrist placed perpendicular for high stability. This actually can be used with a 2nd pistol (that takes more practice to aim in combination) placed under the first as stability. For the sake of science, I find the 2" and 6" highly complimentary in stature. A 4" would have less inaccuracy though, so your call their if you want to do this.
-Incredibly cheap among spring pistols. I've mentioned this, but let me state outright that for 25$, you'll be hard pressed to get a better spring pistol.
-Incredibly skill based. This could be a con, but assuming you intend to use the weapon with seriousness, you can get much faster at loading, shooting, and of course aiming the weapon. This is both gratifying as its user and advantageous vs other pistols with more obvious physical limits on their operation. Mostly for vanity sake, if you love a single action revolver and want to be the fastest in the west, 25$ isn't a bad price for such an outlet.
-Looks great in fashion. Not incredible, as it IS plastic, but nonetheless great for its class. Seeing how it's a revolver, such a detail is amazing for one's vanity.
-Comes with a fitted barrel plug. You MIGHT get a dud. I've bought 2 of these family pistols. My silver 2" came with a legitimate rubber, red barrel plug that fits both pistols quite well. The 2nd 6" black's plug was, for whatever reason and lucking out, a dud that would not fit either pistol securely. Stupid, I know, but when I compared the two plugs for what the difference is, I am physically incapable of discerning the difference in their fitting. It's amazing how small of a margin of error can impact its usage, but barrel plugs are often not a high priority. If you want one for field rules somewhere, this is important to know up front.
-Works VERY well with 0.12g BB's. 0.2's not so much, due to excessive arc.
-A bit big in length, god knows an 8" would be downright clumsy. Harder to keep stable when exhausted, it seems.
-Only holds 6 shots and the reload process takes practice and more time to execute. You can get quite fast, nearly as fast as loading a magazine, absolute best case, but definitely practice loading the gun quite routinely to get to that point, as I have.
-Barrel plug was a dud. Invisibly small manufacturing error of some sort, as stated above, but the other UA937's checked out, so this is probably a rare fluke.
-Spring action, so it's not the fastest action or most range/power you could get in airsoft. It's not bad at all, considering its class and price range.
-As stated above, it has way too much drop using 0.2's to justify using 0.2g BB's. You're more likely to fail to compensate for high arc at even fairly close ranges than to have it blow off target from using 0.12's against strong wind. 6" model shoots so straight that 0.2's aren't necessary anyways.
-Needs practice to get truly good with. I don't consider this bad, as I personally love the experience of growing sharper and sharper with all my tools, and a good challenge teaches you lots along the way.
On my UA937 I posted a 4/5 review I recall. For this pistol, relative to its price point, the ballistics are good enough to give it a solid 5 without fear. I've seen feedback that it feels like it's "going to break in your hand" and some say that you may get laughed at using this gun.
Not naming names, I respectfully disagree. The 2 other people I've let handle the gun say it seems solid construction, and as long as you stick to a CQC usage for this handgun (like many handguns) you can expect to yield acceptable results. Maybe you'll have a different experience, but for me I'm enthralled with this gun series, and the weapon itself has only grown to be more worth it in pairs.