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Matrix 20 / 30 Amp Standard Burn Fuse for Airsoft AEG (Length: 30mm)

6 Customer Reviews

by Larry L. on 07/02/2023
"It worked well for my normal loads.
by Charles C. on 06/24/2022
"It is a good fuse
by Nick S. on 03/11/2016

I have a CYMA cm007 and a recently reassembled m16a4 that uses a JG gearbox (thank you again, Evike-I LOVE the parts!) and both contain a CYMA-style fuse box. These were the first AEGs I owned that required fuses, and I was afraid that I would burn them out considering how much I fire them. I measured carefully, checked numerous sites, but Evike was the only one I found that had these, and at a great price, too! I measured carefully, and I found these were the fuses I needed. I bought these in bulk, just to be sure I have plenty between my two ar-platform AEGs. They work wonderfully, and I highly recommend them to anyone who has an AEG that requires smaller fuses. These should help protect your gearbox from blowing out! I will definitely be buying more of these little beauties in the future! THANK YOU EVIKE!
by Thomas S. on 09/22/2013
"Stock fuse blew on my P90, so I used this to replace it. It fit in easy and my gun is working, so it did its job.
by Nathan D. on 12/01/2016
"get a 5 pack of these at home depot for $1.69 and free shipping cause your going into a store.
by Carl S. on 02/13/2011
"MP5 OWNERS BEWARE!!!!!!!! This does not fit in an mp5. Although if you bought this for something BESIDES AN MP5 this is a great high quality fuse hard to find in other places!