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HFC Darkhawk Heavyweight Gas Blowback Airsoft Pistol

16 Customer Reviews

by Jordan k. on 02/28/2025
"I got this out of the BOA and this thing is crazy!!! This things range and accuracy is better than my Combat Machine! So much value! Just buy it!
by William G. on 02/27/2023
"I had this pistol many moons ago. The DarkHawk was the most reliable GBB I've witnessed, and I was on a team/group that used mainly GBBRs and GBBs. The pistol is a Glock 17 slide (uses HFC Glock mags) mated to a Sigma grip, with full metal and extremely solid build quality. This gun rarely jammed/vented gas, was accurate, easy to draw and carry and just had a crisp blowback with every shot. The DarkHawk had a clunk sound with every shot that was just satisfying. I used mine until the slide basically wore out from years of riding on my thigh and launching countless bbs at numerous opponents. I wish I had known that Evike (the website this review is on) has replacement slides because I would have just bought one and probably would still have the DarkHawk. Oh well, live and learn. I'm more of a NBB kind of dude (Y&P M9 is my sidearm, and you can find that pistol on Evike too) however this DarkHawk pistol was just perfect for a sidearm/cqb weapon.
by Dean C. on 08/31/2017
"Oh my god, this gun is amazing. Didn't expect so much value from a gun like this, and something that looks like a glock too. The gun itself is HEAVY. No plastic ANYWHERE. Out of the box, this thing shoots straight. I didn't need to adjust a hop up or nothing! It has batter gas consumption and accuracy than ALL of my GBB handguns hands down (I own a EF 1911, WE 1911, Matrix M9, and P226 Cybergun). This is a god tier handgun. I'm about to buy myself another one just cause. BUY IT! ITS SO WORTH IT
by jamie S. on 09/16/2013
"the dark hawk is my second gas gun with blowback. Runs on green gas and propane. don't forget to use the silicone oil with the propane. iit is amazing! About a thousand rounds no issues as yet! very real feel.
by Margaret H. on 12/25/2010
"This pistol is the best gbb ive ever owned its full metal weighing in at about 3 pounds and when i say full metal i mean there is not a single plastic external part. its kicks hard to i would recommend propane but thats more of a personal preference. all in all this gun kicks booty.
by donovan m. on 09/16/2010
"Does this gun also take propane because in the description it says it only takes green gas?
by George C. on 04/20/2010
"This gun is excellent! full metal! Very gas efficient! You can pump out two mags worth of bb's on one gas charge! Overall this gun is amazing and totally worth the price!
by Connor P. on 03/12/2009
"Webmaster or any one else can you answer my question please. Dose this gun support a mock scilencer if so could you sugest a good one for me. I just bought this gun but it has not come in yet, it looks like there is no threading on the barel. thanks your sirvice is alwayse the best out there!!.


Webmaster: You can get a threaded barrel for it.
by dudley t. on 03/03/2009
"this gun is crazy its got really good heft, great kick it uses gas well nd it looks fabulous
by Thomas A. on 12/15/2008
"where can you get extra mags?

Webmaster: Search "darkhawk" on or simply go to gas magazine section under HFC gas gun mags.
by Tracey S. on 11/21/2008
"Guys dont let the price scare you away from this gun... it may seem really cheap for a full metal GBB but this this is EPIC

I just got mine today and all i can say is :OOOOOOO its so frikin awesome you dont even know... its incredibly powerfull for a pistol really good feel and look to it and perfect weight and it even has the white painted sights :D
by Evan J. on 09/25/2008
"thanks for the help, man. I've been looking for a decent gas pistol for a while now and this just seems to catch my attention every time i search for gas pistols. thanks a lot for the info.
by Andy H. on 09/21/2008
"Evan, this pistol use green gas. You can also charge it with the propane adapter. (type in propane in seach, and click on the yellow adapter, there is instruction on how to use it in there)
by cutter p. on 06/27/2008
"THIS GUN ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you have to get it its heavy and it is not a gas hog.
by nate C. on 09/13/2009
"this is a great gun i couldnt keep my hands off it it has great FPS