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Madbull .68 Cal Gas Powered 40mm Airsoft Grenade

7 Customer Reviews

by Robert S. on 07/24/2024
"If you're looking at these grenades but thinking "Why spend over $50 on a grenade when I can buy some other one for half the price?" Don't. These grenades are very well built and are the most powerful 40mm rounds I have ever used.

As a disclaimer, the manual says to not use the shell with Co2
I do. The grenade works amazingly with Co2 and has a great range. I run these shells in my Arrow Dynamics RPG-7, most people shy away from grenade launchers because they're "just big shotguns," but these grenades give them enough power that grenade launchers become truly practical.

If you're looking for a way to obliterate a large area from a distance, there are the grenades to get.

Price: 4/5
Reliability: 5/5
Maintenance: 5/5
Quality: 5/5
Intimidation: 5/5
by Christian G. on 03/15/2024
"If you are playing outdoors and you are weighing the different shells and wondering "Is this expensive shell really worth it? I could get 2 cheaper shells for that price!", well.. the answer is yes, it is very much worth it. I purchased several other types of C02 shells, but they were far to difficult to fire. None of my launchers had the strength to push the release, but the Madbull fires perfectly and requires only a standard push. You can load anything you want in here, and it will send it flying a long ways.

I run a double-barrel 3d printed 40mm shotgun and two of these shells, and I am able to smack campers hiding in bushes from almost as long a distance as my AEG, with the added benefit of almost guaranteeing a hit even through heavy brush. The recoil is also amazingly enjoyable.
by Nick K. on 08/25/2021
"10/10 Product from Madbull. You get your money's worth. The shell is machined very well and goes bang every time.
You can load it with almost anything. Simply cover it with something like packing tape and you're in business.
I like to load this thing with 8mm bbs for extra punch. The other way is to use it to propel Evike balls. I shove one or two of them in my Madbull XM203, pull the trigger and away they go. The seal is so strong that the balls easily fly 150ft. You can see this in my video review on Youtube: "Madbull XM203 Grenade Launcher (Long) Review" by channel Nikolai.

This is one of the coolest items in airsoft.
by Brock H. on 03/21/2014
"Worth every last penny. Absolute PERFECTION.

Holds a ton of gas, making it extremely powerful, and it will launch out anything you put in it up to 100+ feet using propane.

Very powerful
Long range
Extremely loud and intimidating
Simple reset
Solid construction
Can shoot anything that fits inside, including a handful of bbs


Money well-spent.
by peyton w. on 05/19/2012
"You load the gas into the shell just like the gas Airsoft guns, load the bbs into the sell. Hit the button on the back of the gas shell and BOOM! All the bbs will be released and shot out at once. We also sell Airsoft grenade launchers that can mount on your airsoft gun and have one of these shells sit in side just like the real grenade launchers! This has got to be one of the coolest thing in Airsoft or paintball history!

I had one installed on my gun and once you get your opponent in an Airsoft or paintball match with a CLOUD OF BBS ONCE, everything will be worth it. True story: I was once in a game and I was surrounded by five guys...a launch took out three guys and while the rest were wondering where the loud sound comes from, they were surrendered.
by Dan W. on 02/05/2010
"This is one fantastic 'nade! Powerful, loud, and can hold as few or as manyBB's as you like up to about 180 or so. Just dump 'em in, stuff a piece of tissue paper in the end, and rock and roll. Alternately, you can make little "packages" of BB's out of a bit of paper, and carry them around for fast field reloads. Reset is super easy to use too. No unscrewing. Only con: once you buy this rather expensive little grenade, you will buy another, and another. These things are like potato chips; you can't have just one!
by Ben P. on 02/19/2009
"Works like a champ!! Bought this along with the foam smiley face balls. Works great as a CQB weapon...they dont ever expect it.