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Guarder 50% Hop Up Bucking For Airsoft AEG

ID: 25888 (BU-GE-07-01)
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Guarder / Intruder Shop


-Made w/50% hardened reinforced silion.
-Increase hop up accuracy and consistancy.
-Works best with Matrix/KM tight bore barrel.

6 Customer Reviews

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by Noah K. on 12/21/2016
"Comparable to the Prometheus Purple at almost 1/3 the price. I had one of these in one AEG and a Prometheus purple in another. With full compression in the gearboxes, both AEGs put out almost exactly the same fps every shot (with the deviation being less than 1 fps). If you haven't got the money for a Prometheus, grab one of these. However, like many people have said, these buckings are a bit difficult to install without ripping, but once they're in, they have a great seal.
by Mark S. on 08/02/2013
"I imported this bucking from HK but i must say that is honestly one of the best buckings i have bought/used. At first i doubted the effectiveness of this bucking seeing as how it appears to just be your standard bucking. But it is not the mound or thingy the hit the bbs as they fly by is larger and very durable than a stock bucing.

- handles very well using my m120 spring and with a 25rps aeg
-the clear tube thingy that comes with it supposed to be used to install the bucking in the hop up camber. Very useful
-nub works very well with the bucking
- no offense evike but these hold up better than the green matrix buckings. Now those are too thin

-they are not as cheap as hk but that is a given. For 4.8 using 20% off it is a steal

You are supposed to apply silicone oil on the bucking and camber before you install it using the clear tube thingy. I do not know why the other peoples buckings ripped but it most likely ripped because they tried to force it in or the camber was too tight.
by Anthony R. on 12/24/2010
"It's a great bucking, you just have to know when to install it. If your guns shooting over 350, than it's not for your gun. The only problem I keep having with this brand of buckings is they seem to be a pian to actually slide into the chamber, and slide out.

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