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Guarder High Precision Oil Tempered Nozzle for G3, PSG-1, MC51 and other G3 series Airsoft AEG models

ID: 25970 (Nozzle-GE-04-28)
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Guarder / Intruder Shop



  • Oil tempered O-Ring and Reinforced Polycarbonate Material for Air Leak Prevention
  • For Tokyo Marui / Classic Army / JG / Echo1 / G&G / Matrix and other compatible G3 series
Material: Polymer

Manufacturer: Guarder

2 Customer Reviews

(Write a review)

by Justin V. on 03/04/2019
"This is the perfect airnozzle to fit in my Krytac SPR, they don't use normal M4 nozzles. This significantly improved my airseal allowing for more consistent accurate shots.
by Nicholas M. on 07/22/2008
"Air nozzles improve FPS. these are a good and cheap ways to improve FPS without increased wear from a heavier spring.

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