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EMG F-1 Firearms PDW AR15 eSilverEdge Airsoft AEG Training Rifle (Model: 3G Style 1 / RS3 / Black / Go Airsoft Package)

8 Customer Reviews

by Zane D. on 05/24/2024
"Love this gun. Super loud and mechanical/electrical. Nice open internals. But, DO NOT STICK A METAL KNIFE IN THE BATTERY TO GUN CONNECTERS. Use a wooden one. My Chinese battery fits very snug and when I tried to separate the connectors, I used a METAL knife. I wasn’t thinking. Sparks went out.
by Dustin H. on 11/10/2022
"this is good. check it out you can buy the blue gun and the gold gun and swap the parts and have 2 ukraine guns
by Carson M. on 04/05/2022
"I have been using this as my primary gun for a year. so far all I've done is a cnc hop up with a 6.03 inner barrel and flat hop. I took the trigger spring out and I put a lower power spring in it to get around 315 fps with 0.20 bbs. the only issue I have run into is I needed to adjust the motor height once.
This thing is a CQB monster. Fast (im getting 25+ rps with this set up) and accurate.
I would recommend this to ANYONE as a first gun, or as a back up incase your built gun goes down. Couldn't be happier with it at all. 10/10
by Lisa O. on 02/20/2022
"First of all great gun! I got this as my first gun and it runs great so far. The only problems I have is that the hop up is a little loose and it fits the bamf evike mags but they just feed Tarable. The mag that comes eith the gun dose fine tho. But over all great gun and also keep in mind all of the holes can let some partials in to your gun but its easy to take apart and clean. 9/10 would recommend
by Chris F. on 10/10/2021
"i got one of these a couple months ago and its preforming amazing, it has a good motor and an okay gear box. for the most part its sturdy but the buffer needs constant tightening and the stock is wobbly. the buffer has okay space, i can fit an valken 11.1v lipo with almost no extension from the stock

-light weight for speed
-can run lipos
-looks good
-good hopup

-slight feeding issues
-17 rps
-expensive for an aps gearbox

i recommend this to ppl trying to get into airsoft with a high budget or speedsofters looking for a new gun to polar star but id say 4.5 stars overall (might be a bit bias)
by Jacob L. on 01/19/2021
"This thing is amazing got it today its light weight and full metal
by patricia m. on 02/09/2021
"Shoots very fast with a good trigger finger, hopup does the job, buffer tube fits certain batterys just right. Only complaint is on arrival the mag realease was fully broken(screw wouldnt lock into other side. Had to order a whole new one (45 dollars with shipping) Total pain in the ass but overall great gun
by Zane D. on 05/25/2024
"I recently just reviewed this gun and now I take it back. The gun broke after day two of trying to fire it, it’s broken. Every trigger pull it whirls the miter, ERRRRRRR-ch and doesn’t fire. Idk why or what caused it, maybe the battery or the gearbox, either way I was happy to recive it for my birthday and now it is broken. Good gun for 1 day of shooting.