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MAG MP5 95 Round Airsoft AEG Midcap Magazine (Package: Single Magazine)

36 Customer Reviews

by Mateo M. on 11/09/2024
"Great mp5 mags, I’ve used them with the Umarex mp5 and the cyma swordfish and they both work amazingly however the plastic is extremely prone to melting if you leave it in hot weather, I’ve learned this firsthand but it was because I was too lazy to get my gear out of my car. I would definitely recommend these mags to anyone.
by Reece S. on 02/15/2024
"Really like these and they seem to feed really well compared to the larger capacity.
by Darren C. on 10/22/2023
"works well with my Umarex HK MP5K. Make sure to let it sit full of bbs first before using them or else it wont feed properly and you wont fit as many
by Juan A. on 03/26/2023
"These fit my Tokyo Marui High Cycle MP5 (with LAYLAX Mag Catch Plus V2).

They work as expected, great feeding.
Super light, carry as many as you like.
by Brian N. on 03/09/2022
"Fits with the MP5 SD6 competition by Umarex. Feeds well too.
by Alex D. on 04/17/2018
"It's light, cheap and does the work.
Fits well with G&G mp5.
For cyma/asg mp5k cut the notch on the mags a bit.
by Isaiah M. on 03/27/2013
"I bought 3 of these a couple of days ago and they work amazing! I have a G&G MP5 which has an RPM of 1680 and they dont run out as fast as i thought. If you are thinking about getting these, GET THEM! They are amazing and i havent had a misfeed yet.
by Jonathan O. on 04/29/2012
"These mags are perfect for the matrix galaxy mp5. They feed perfect even with a high speed battery the spring in the mags keeps up with the rate of fire well. I recomend these.
by Eric c. on 10/27/2011
"Awesome magazine. I like it more than the metal ones because these are super light.
If you are worrying about these being ABS not metal, keep in mind real MP5 magazines are ABS as well.
Furthermore, I have abused these like they are the real thing and none have failed on me.

I lubricate mine by spraying some silicon oil in the bb loader once every 3 months.

They work as expected, great feeding, stealth and simply does the job.

Good feeding
Light, you can literally carry 50 of these with you without breaking a sweat.
Very affordable

by matt c. on 11/05/2010
"will these work for a New Version JG MOD5 SD5 Full Size Airsoft AEG Rifle ?

Evike Staff: Yup!
(Please note we cannot answer questions here generally, refer to our facebook or forum please.)
by Davis F. on 03/20/2010
"These mags are great. I bought two once my original Highcap for my Echo1 Task Force Black mag broke.. I tried to fix it but the two plastic pegs that hold the loading coil in place had broken. I was actually able to take the plastic body off of this mag and swap it with the metal one from the high cap. This ended up working well.

These mags are amazing and never double feed. Recommended buy.
by Kevin W. on 01/19/2009
"Yes they will work on your echo 1 master series w/ extra lower receiver, I know bcuz I got one for christmas bought these mags as well. I used them today they worked perfectly no feeding issues no jams a few left over bbs after you eject the clip fall out but other than that they were absolutely perfect.
by Kevin Cox C. on 12/08/2008
"Yes this does fit an Echo 1 Mp5 but it does jiggle a little but the wont pull out unless you realy put alot of force on them there realy good mags iv never had a misfeed and they work perfectly very sturdy though for plastic.
by Josh A. on 11/10/2008
"i bought this mag to go w/my JG MP5 RIS but when i place it in it does not secure and can slide out w/out me pushing the mag release button... not sure if it is a faulty mag or if i bought the wrong kind
by Andrew L. on 11/08/2008
"Will clip this work for the Echo1 Mp5a4 I have? I seems like it does, but I'm not sure