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WE-Tech Heavy Weight 1911 Officer Compact Gas Blowback Airsoft Pistol

7 Customer Reviews

by Joseph Robert V. on 08/10/2023
"Very nice, well made, hefty, accurate (for me) if a collector you too will appreciate this model, and fast shipping.
by Brayden K. on 06/18/2023
"Here is a more recent review, I’ve had mine for 2 years… And I love this gun, it’s the most perfect pistol ever, kicks hard, accurate, and incredibly reliable, it’s full metal, the only hard part is finding a decent holster, I got mine from a local store and it’s so incredibly perfect, I couldn’t recommend this gun more, I prefer it over my $600 glock, which the 1911 doesn’t outperform it, but it’s so much more fun.

All in all, I couldn’t recommend this gun more, if you’re new to the game absolutely buy this. It’s just perfection.

- Brayden Katzer
by Dan N. on 07/01/2011
"Ive had mine for a while now and its never served me wrong. Has a fantastic kick to it in good temps and is extremely accurate for the size of the gun.

Ive done a lot of customizations to mine to get it to where it fits me best, but the gun performed great right out of the box!
by Keith S. on 09/16/2010
"is this 1911 full metal thanks......................................................-
..............................fifty character rule
by brad g. on 03/24/2010
"this is a very good pistol. its pretty accurate and its very durable.has nice fps for a pistol. i highly recommend this gun to anyone.

very durable
full metal
2 mags
nice kick

only holds 15
thats it

overall, very good sidearm.
by Shiquan X. on 10/07/2009
"Great gun never jammed or leaked, very accurate and shoots very fast for an intermediate player's
by Deyton P. on 08/30/2016
"Great gun when it worked.

I have had this gun for a little while and it works great when its up but it just recently started locking up everytime I cycle the gun.
maybe a piston problem or something. overall pretty good gun, i think Mine just started messing up from something i may have done to it.

Decent FPS
Good accuracy.
Nice recoil

mine is messing up :(