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AGM M-500 SWAT Airsoft Full Size Training Weapon Shotgun - Full Stock

78 Customer Reviews

by no n. on 01/26/2022
"i was NOT expecting a good shotgun for 30$ but low and behold i found the agm m-500 shotgun i was hoping for a shell fed replica but this gun has served me well in my first game i think its a great snag for a first time buyer
by RICK R. on 04/05/2021
"Well update on the AGM 500 ,well I've put over 5000 rounds through my shotgun ! Still going strong still shooting over 150 feet with a .25 , still super accurate. Used this in a match in pistol round . and out shot my gbb pistol Wow ! Get one , cheers everyone😸
by RICK R. on 03/10/2021
"Agm 500 wow I bought this as kind of joke , but wow , my example of this gun can easily hop a .32 well over 150 feet . good solid plastic easy to load shoots hard I have several trishots. But this OS really a lot of fin to plink with , but the short version would make a really good secondary , when its to cold for you fancy gas blowback pistol. , this will work . great accuracy at 150 feet hope up works good , going to get the short one and test this out next time out .great for money . would recommend, 😸
by Heidi O. on 01/08/2021
"The BEST Airsoft shotgun ever, highly recommend
by Connor P. on 10/09/2020
"Bought this, sawed off the stock and barrel, put it in a pistol holster. This gun will make you a shitpost god on the field
by Johnathan M. on 09/10/2020
"The Gun is great, it shoots accurate at about 110 feet on a windy day and the mag is nice and smooth going into the gun.

Only problem (i think) is that in the packaging there were some random empty areas so i have no idea if i'm missing something or what.
by Junho W. on 06/28/2020
"Awesome shotgun replica of mossberg 500/590. Exactly matches size of mossberg 500. It is significantly lighter than actual mossberg 500 shotgun, but that can be easily fixed by adding some weights. Only other defect is it doesn't have ball beat sight like real mossberg, but that can be fixed too. Perfect for training quick target practice. Value for money is 10/10.
by Connor P. on 06/19/2020
"For $25 it does its job. It only fires one BB at a time, but you can just rack it multiple times (I recommend 2-4) and then fire it. I will note you run out of BBs fast with this thing.

Its range is like 30 metres with .25s, minus 5 metres for every extra BB you rack.

Note that the stock is kinda useless, so I sawed it off (kept the grip, ofc) and its much better, though you lose a bit of aiming accuracy and stability due to, well, not having a stock.

I'd reccomend getting extra mags, you can get 2 for like $8 and its so worth it..
by Anthony L. on 06/27/2019
"Very impressed with this shotgun, especially at this price. First off let me just say that this gun has a VERY aggressive adjustable hop up. .12g's are worthless and .20's are still overpowered by the hop up, even at its lowest setting! This gun definitely requires .25's or higher. Second, this gun is a heavy hitter. It just rips .20's down range at well over 300fps, but as I said earlier accuracy with .20's is decent but you're gonna have to aim low because that hop up is just savage. Overall this thing is hard to beat performance wise for 25 bucks. I've put a couple hundred rounds through it with no mis feeds, double feeds, or any other hiccups. Gun comes in two halves, but assembly is just 4 screws that attach the stock and are included along with a small screwdriver. build quality is OK, not the best but far from flimsy, just be careful not to drop it on concrete. Mags hold 15 and are very good. UTG 17 round shotgun mags are also compatible (the ones with the release tabs on the mag itself). Came with a speedloader and your typical poorly translated instruction manual. Gets a 5/5 from me. Might be the best bang for your buck you can get for $25 you can get right now.
by Nathan H. on 02/21/2019
"This gun is an excellent deal. The quality for the price is very good. This gun sacrifices a couple of cosmetic things to be more practical for gameplay, but if you're looking for realism this gun isn't horrible. The only problems with this gun are very minor and don't make much of a difference.

First off, the gun looks pretty great. The only real issue with the appearance is the pump. The pump has a long piece of plastic coming out from the pump handle that goes into the internals near the trigger. This is clearly visible, and Idk why they didn't just figure out something on the inside, but that's my only real complaint.

The only other differences as far as realism are the screws in the stock and the hopup. Instead of making a chamber slide and having the hopup adjuster inside like most airsoft guns, AGM just cut out the same shape and turned it into a small slide to adjust the hopup. That way it looks identical to the real one at first glance, but it is more practical for airsoft.

In terms of the feel of the gun, it feels good. It has a nice weight to it, which doesn't feel cheap but it's not like you're going to mistake it for the real deal. The pump is very satisfying with the sound and feel. The stock is nice and I love that it's not a pistol grip. The trigger feels a bit cheap but not too bad. The pump is a little bit wobbly because the long piece of plastic is only on one side. The firing sound is not intense be a use the gun is spring powered, but it sounds and is powerful for a springer.

In terms of performance (which is what I was most interested in) I was not disappointed. The gun is powerful, easy to use, and great for cqb and mid range shots. The accuracy isn't commendable but it's a shotgun.

This shotgun will load multiple bbs into the barrel if you pump it multiple times, but only a few will actually be in the chamber. This means if you load the whole clip into the barrel ten of them will fall out if you point the gun at the ground. This is annoying, but not terrible. This shotgun has a very tight spread, depending on how many bbs you're shooting. I've found my hotspot is about five bbs. It still maintains power whole offering a decent spread.

The clip release button is sticky, but it will probably fix itself with use. The clip is great despite only holding fourteen or fifteen rounds. One of my favorite things about this gun is that it comes with a speed loader, which I think is pretty cool. This reduces the need to buy extra mags for this, although I do think it's a good idea.

All in all, this gun is excellent for the price, and definitely a great choice for beginners. For more experienced players, this gun is more of a sidearm. (If you want this gun for a sidearm I would recommend the pistol grip version which is smaller)
by Sara C. on 04/04/2017
"Picked this up yesterday and it's awesome. It's shoot one bb but it means it's perfect for outdoors, tri shot is better indoor.
by Jesse D. on 05/03/2016
"SWEET DEAL. Does exactly want you think it does and it has a nice body and weight.
by william b. on 01/02/2016
"I would highly recommend this gun for cqb gameplay took it out for the first time and it worked great I also love that there's almost no plastic on it.
by Spencer H. on 10/11/2015
"This is one of or the absolute best airsoft gun for this price. This gun is extremely accurate, even though there are no ironsights. The shots are very consistent and with .20s there are no weird curves in the shot. The fps is great, the weight feels good, the hopup works great, and yes it does have a great hopup system. Yes I know this is a "cheap" or "budget" gun, but it really works! You can easily compete with higher end guns. The only complaints I have about it are that the pump is a little loose, there are no sights and the mags only hold 15 rounds. Other than that every other part of this gun is perfect! I would definitely recommend this gun to anyone! Buy it!
by Clay Y. on 08/12/2015
"Very great gun for beginner airsofter. This is my first gun and I love it. Make sure you buy extra magazines because the capacity is 14. Its a very durable plastic and people say it inaccurate but its good for cqb.

Lightweight (May be con)
Easy to use
Speed Loader and unjamming rod included.

Low mag cap
Lower range