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MadBull Chrome DNTC Compensator 14mm- / CCW Flashhider

ID: 28272 (FH-MB-DNTC-04-SV)
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MadbullPrimary Weapons Systems

$30.00 $12.99

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The manufacturer of this product enforces a strict minimum advertised price (MAP) policy which excludes this product from any additional discount coupon codes. This item, however, may qualify for free shipping.
Licensed by DNTC / Primary Weapons
Materials: Aluminum / Downgrade materials which can NOT be used on real fireamrs.
Threads: 14mm C.C.W. (Not compatible with G&P) (Works with CA/ TM/ Echo 1)
Made in Taiwan

DNTC compensators are designed by Primary Weapons which are widely adapted byfirearms industries, including Panther Arms.
What makes DNTC compensator famous?
Imagine yourself controlling the 7.62 caliber AK47 at FULL AUTO with only ONE arm!

About Madbull

MAD BULL Airsoft, established in 2004, is world famous for it's Airsoft accessories. Our major focus points are: Airsoft guns, Airsoft Toy Launchers, Airsoft Toy B.B. Showers, and Upgrade kits.We have a very strong R&D team and we put a lot of effort in designing new and exciting new products for the airsoft community.

About Primary Weapons Systems

Primary Weapons Systems, Inc (PWS) is a Federally-licensed firearms manufacturer located in Boise, Idaho. PWS is the designer and manufacturer of tactical and sporting rifles and accessories.

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