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KJW CO2 Magazine for KJW HFC & Compatible M9 Series Gas Blowback GBB Pistols

ID: 28754 (MAG-KJW-GBB600CO2-S)
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  • Compact / reduced length versus the old version of Co2 magazines
  • Removal of baseplate recommended for use with HFC M9 pistols
  • Uses 12g CO2 cartridge
Capacity: 27rds
Comptaibility: Work with KJW, HFC, and other compatible M9 series Airsoft GBB pistol
Gas Type: CO2

Manufacturer: KJW

'Modification of Green Gas and CO2 magazines to use aftermarket HPA fittings and valves will void all included warranties due to the potential risk of damage from exposure to High pressure and misuse.'

8 Customer Reviews

(Write a review)

by David B. on 07/20/2021
"I use to use Green Gas mags for my pistol. Then I found these. Was not sure that they would fit but they worked perfectly. Very happy to have C02 mags. My only complaint is they don't fit in my pistol mag pouch.
by Charlie H. on 03/01/2018
"Ok so people will tell you not to use this or that just because of they're experience and I've been told that kjw mags are bad all together but I own plenty of kjw guns and used there mags and have had no problems with them no leaks so if you keep the orings lubed they should be just fine they have work perfectly fine
by William I. on 03/13/2010
"This mag is absolutely great. I use it in my kjw m9 and it gives it a great kick and has great gas usage. I can shoot about 4 1/2 mags before it gets weak. Im going to buy more of these great things and get rid of my green gas while I wait for these to get here.

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