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Matrix Full Metal Scope Mount Base for M14 Series Airsoft AEG Rifles

18 Customer Reviews

by Josh T. on 11/02/2024
"Works great on my old Echo 1 M14 EBR. However, these screws have a round thread profile, and the receiver on my gun uses a regular pointed profile. So, I had to run an M6x1mm die over the threads for the receiver-side screw to trim the thread profile down to a regular machine screw.

Worked fine after that!
by Benjamin T. on 05/11/2016
"This is great and at a great price. Very easy installation and did not move at all on my cyma m14. It's also great because it will not block the iron sites
by Donna L. on 07/23/2014
"Fantastic piece of equipment looks nice and fits perfectly now of course you aren't going to put a 20x scope on your m14 so I would probably suggest a 2x-4x scope
by Cody H. on 08/14/2013
"To begin, excellent product. I mount it on my CYMA M14, and it fits like a charm. My moderate sized 3-9x40 scope has no wobble, and stays where I want it. The included mounting tools function properly, which is the screw to go into the reciever itself, and the stripper clip guide replacement. Simply remove the one on the gun and replace it with the inluded one, and your second screw point is there. It is a hefty hunk of metal, and nowhere is it thinner than an 8th of an inch. One downside is that i believe it is painted black, and it scratches easily. If you are concerned with looks, maybe invest more. For everyone else that doesnt want to spend ten dollars more, this is a sturdy, reliable, inexpensive M14 scope mount. Quality gets it a 4/5, but since its so inexpensive and thats what im after, 5/5. Get this.
by Daelen N. on 05/08/2013
"Bought this scope mount for my WE M14 and was very pleased with the overall fitment and build quality, I would recommend this to any M14 user.
by Caleb A. on 02/07/2012
"I actually got this in a boneyard M14 package from my local airsoft shop. The problem was, though, that it didn't have any screws. Luckily, i found one in my garage that worked (it's a little long, and blocks the return of the bolt, but that's just for asthetics anyhow). I put a Leapers 3-9x40mm scope on it, and there is NO wobble. i only have one scre in it too. so if it had both screws that were the right fit, i can say with a fair amount of certainty that it would be great. I love having a sniper M14, and this is the way to do it.
by michael b. on 07/13/2011
"got this for my cyma m14, it was a perfect fit, it even comes with replacement base for the rearsight because the stock one cant fit it
by steven n. on 05/16/2010
"Great neccesity for those who want to turn their m14s into a look-a-like m21. Although mine came kinda scratched and the plastic baggy it was held in looked like it had been dragged on cement. Also, instuctions were puny and didn't really help at all, almost broke my beautiful m14 trying to get it on. Overall, great mount and Evike has the best price for one that is actually in stock. Others run up from 20 to 40 dollars if you're luck to find them in stock on other sites.
by Andy S. on 03/02/2009
"I got this when it was $20 for my CYMA M14. For the money, it's a great piece of hardware, I have no complaints. Allows you to use your iron sights with an optic installed. One of the screw heads on the left side of the gun likes to come loose, but it's not a big deal. This is exactly what you need if you want to install a red dot sight or scope.
by Paul H. on 01/24/2009
"Got it, love it. The piece that slides onto the gun is a tight fit for the UTG model. But give it a couple taps with a hammer, and it's perfect.
by Devin P. on 07/10/2008
"can this rail fit a spring m14 because at the airsoft field i want to go to only allows spring sniper rifles
by Joshua M. on 06/13/2008
"I put this on my CM032 since the rail is too far forward to mount a zooom and it worked great for the CYMA. You should be able to look at the side of your M14 and see if it will work.

Just a note, mine did not come with the allen wrench (or I lost it opening the box) and it is needed to secure the top. It wasn't a problem since i have plenty
by Airsoft A. on 05/06/2008
"Fits my M14 perfectly. Does the job and looks nice.
by Neil T. on 08/25/2015
"I received the Matrix Full Metal Scope Mount Base for M14 Series Airsoft AEG Rifle today and was (not really) surprised to find it was packaged in a CYMA box. It was a simple, small box with a diagram and instructions of how to install the mount onto your gun with a graphic of a socom m14.

I have the 6mm ProShop "Sage International" M14 EBR and this mount did not fit 100% correctly, to my disappointment. The rear portion of the scope mount will fit, but the front screw that screws into the M14's actual body will not fit. The screw size is just one size too large. I even sanded the screw down to get rid of some of the paint on the threads hoping it would fit- it will not.

The quality is what you expect- cheaper pot metal, painted with a decent coat of matte black. It's not the highest quality but it is a good bang for your buck.

I give it a 4/5 as it doesn't fit the 6mm M14 EBR, but I figure it's more of 6mm ProShop's fault for that.
by JAMES C. on 07/16/2014
"16 Bucks well spent. Doesn't move and sits the scope over the center of the m14. Very sturdy mount and holds very well. No need so far for thread lock as well.
I put mine on a GnG m14 with the plastic stock