Matrix Military Ranking Embroidery Patch (Style: Staff Sergeant)
4 Customer Reviews
by Louie H. on 12/27/2012
"Amazing patch I'm using it on my propper Digital desert shirt and its awesome I'm currently waiting for my boot camp leave date and as I rank up in the marines I will buy these patches as well, Thanks evike ;)
by jeremy b. on 11/25/2011
"this patch is pretty awesome because my coach calls me private cowboy so its pretty cool oh and it sticks on vey well
by nick m. on 02/11/2009
"wooh dude that was from jarhead.... i want this patch
by codey c. on 10/21/2008
"this is my rifle, there are many like it but this one is mine, without my rifle i am nothing, without me my rifle is nothing...oooorrrraaaa!!!!----Im a First Sergeant! WOOT!