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Bone Yard - Box of Things from Scrap Yard

ID: 31325 (BOJ-Junkyard)
Bone Yard - Box of Things from Scrap Yard
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Bone Yard


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*Wooden crate other things in image(s) may not be included.

"One man's junk is another man's treasure." This statement is especially true when it comes to the world of Airsoft collectibles, replica prop collectors, and the Airsoft tech savvy individuals.
The "Box of Things" from will contain a box of 5~10 random things from our Scrap Yard, corners of our warehouse and other boneyard items that aren't a complete in-tact replica gun like the other boneyard listings.
The Box of Junk is for online shoppers only to preserve integrity and fairness; this item is not available to walk-in store customers.

Being the biggest Airsoft Retailer world-wide, we constantly accumulate airsoft parts from custom work, samples, retired store displays, boneyard, returns, and warranties. Complete rifles are listed in boneyard for sale and smaller incomplete guns, pistols are available here to grab. These items are treasures to resellers, advanced Airsoft players and movie prop buyers.

Note: If you are not handy or have no experiences with tooling, "The Box of Things" is probably not for you. For example, a M4 complete gearbox, a rifle magazine, a drum mag that needs internal wiring repaired, AEG Battery or an AK Receiver could be worthless to some individuals.

A general picture of what could be included from looking at our Scrap Yard:
- AEG Mags.
- AEG Gearboxes
- Flashlights
- Laser sights
- AEG Batteries
- Wall Chargers
- Tactical Vests
- BB
- Holsters, pouches, and other tactical gears.
- Broken Drum Mags (That are generally easy to repair)
- Airsoft Pistols
- AEG External Stock parts.
- AEG Internal Stock parts.
- AEG Upgrade Parts.
- Scopes
- Red Dot Sights

Where do contents of "Box of Scrap" come from?
- Spare Parts we obtain from Manufactures
- Returns
- Refurbished items
- Stock / reinforcement AEG Parts result from custom works
- Bone Yard items we are too lazy to list.
- Samples from various manufactures
- Left over 8.4V batteries and wall chargers from custom guns

- Everything in the "box of Airsoft" will be sold "As IS".
- Contents of "Box of Airsoft" could be used, old, defective or new.
- There will be no warranty or guarantee on "Box of things".
- First come first serve while supplies lasts.

99 Customer Reviews

(Write a review)

by Jake B. on 02/23/2024
"Alright so I bought 4 of these boxes. I was really hoping to get ALOT of gun parts but I got Glock upper slides and barrels. I got a complete m4 stock a silencer a few cheap scopes. I got a nice small pistol red dot sight that works. Each box came with things I didn’t care for but was cool. Every box had 4 evike custom Covid 19 cannon masks. All different types of cammo. Each box also had a baggie of patches. Each box had stickers. Each box had a multi cam T shirt. Each box has about 3-4 of those orange plastic barrel insert covers. I got a broken Ak mag. A working ak flash mag. A LTC drum mag. I got 1 40mm gas grenade. 2 sets of multi cam kneee pads. 2 coyote tan radio pouches. Also a couple other small things. I was really hoping to get a butt load of gun parts but it does say in the description it literally could be anything. I’m happy it was fun I’ll definitely be buying more in the future
by Leo V. on 09/24/2023
"IDK how soon but I will be 1000% be buying this again, it was a great deal!

I Got:
-An 8mm Laylax Prometheus Ver2 EG Hard Gearbox Shell, which seemed to be in pretty good shape besides a few scuffs towards the back of it. Its worth $170 new
-A, working, 8mm Version 2 CYMA Gearbox for M4s, with the motor, worth $75 new
-An EMG 300rd Hi-Capacity Magazine, worth $18 new
-A loose, flat dark earth, KWA K120 120rd Polymer Midcap Magazine for M4s, worth $14 new
-A soft tan holster worth, I think like $13 new, I don't remember because I gave it to a friend.
-And, a two set highwild target stand? Evike doesn't even sell this on their sight (at least as far as I could tell) XD, anyways from what I found it was worth $50 new

Altogether this is worth more than $300 new!

I understand that this was probably just the luck of the draw, but for $40 this was a break a neck steal for me, can't go wrong with it in anyway what so ever. Absolutely a Great buy, thanks Evike :D!!!
by Steve M. on 09/07/2023
"Some are bad some are good. The first one I got had around $50 of stuff, half of it was broken and the other half was basically useless. But I decided to give it a try again and man am I couldn’t be happier! My big win was a EMG staccato 2011, I also got a Ares ris rail, an angel custom vsr 10 HopUp unit, which I’ve been wanting one for my bar-10. And some other odds and ends that I can actually use! Overall I got around $400 of stuff in a $39 box. I’d definitely recommend getting one of these (or 10 I don’t care)

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