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WE-Tech WWII Full Size Luger Gas Blowback Airsoft Pistol (Color: Silver / 8 Inch)

42 Customer Reviews

by David B. on 03/14/2024
"This WE Luger is PERFECT! I looked at other brands elsewhere, the only Luger that didn't have writhing on it was the WE Luger which only had the year stamped on top of the receiver and 15 stamped on the parts. The weight is great and the fit and finish is perfect. WE also included a black metal barrel thread adapter which replaces the orange cap which came out easy. I just put a LITTLE heat on the barrel end to soften the glue and pulled the cap off then threaded the adapter into the barrel which is right hand threads on. Right hand threads = righty tightly lefty lousy. The WE mags are also great quality and have the WE stamped on the side. If you are looking for quality and true to original luger this is the one.
by Owen C. on 04/22/2023
"I ordered the 6-inch variant: Extremely well made high quality build, very happy with this order.
by Tyler E. on 04/04/2020
"I bought them s mostly with the purpose of having the ability to say
"Hans ,get de luger" but I can say with most of the aspects it looks like it has a good look and feel.
by Parker D. on 07/18/2018
by Camille C. on 01/14/2017
"Gun is amazing, mine would stop firing/jam after I fired about half the mag, I don't know if it was my bbs or gas. Other than that it is really good, adds a nice touch when you're around modern airsoft replicas. I would HIGHLY recommend buying extra magazines. Also, be careful of the barrel sights as mine either got shot off or came off when I put it in my pocket. Shot at about 280-290 with .28 gram bbs.
by Joseph A. on 11/01/2015
"I recently bought mine and have had a chance to use it in combat, so ill give you all my honest opinion:

+Looks awesome and paint is very nice
+Orange tip is easily removed (Barrel is not threaded, just pull it out the front)
+Rear sight is adjustable for range
+WE seems to have updated the design slightly, and the front sight appears to be held on tighter. In addition, the sear set appears to have been updated although i could be wrong (in any case, evike sells the replacement parts)

-Screws in the pistol may not be tightened down properly, be sure to double check all screws on the pistol (including those under the grips) to ensure that nothing is lost or improperly aligned. (one of my screws was lose and it was preventing the release of the slide catch - to fix, i removed the grip on the right side and tightened the screw to allow the catch to reset.)
-Complicated pistol that may require more maintenance than the seemingly bulletproof 1911 models, so in a way its just like the real one!
-BB's sometimes roll out the end of the barrel when the pistol is aimed down. i just cock it when i need it to prevent that.
-You cannot remove or insert the mag when the pistol is de-cocked. Attempting to do so will break things.
-Safety becomes loose after a while - i recommend using something (like tape) under the left grip to make movement of the safety mechanism more difficult.

Overall a nice little Luger. There are some things a prospective buyer should understand:
*It is not a sniper rifle, its a sidearm and as such it has limited range.
*It needs to be maintained and cleaned periodically - i personally use 30 weight silicone based shock oil for RC cars - usually available on amazon or in a hobby store.
*Its accurate, but don't expect rifle accuracy.
*ALWAYS store the pistol with the hammer de-cocked (remove mag and pull trigger) doing so will reduce wear on the trigger sear and on the hammer spring.

I my opinion, if you are willing to take care of it, its well worth the money.
by Philip K. on 02/27/2015
"Hey, great gun overall, but no one else mentions that the gun has a HUGE problem. It randomly starts firing in full auto, emptying the drum magazine within seconds, which is cool but a waste. It requires a little work to fix but would like to see WE use quality metal in their products.
by James M. on 03/10/2014
"Utterly stunning and totally functional is this W E artillery Luger I just received from Evike. When you first pick it up you will like the feel and the weight of this gas operated weapon. This one is done in stainless steel with black grips. Shoots remarkably well accuracy seems right on. Right now it is selling at a fantastic price as are all Lugers. If you don't know anything about the history of the Luger try to educate yourself as to the importance of this WWII masterpiece. An enjoyable gun to shoot and a beauty to own. Get one if you are a true WWII enthusiast.
by Sidney B. on 05/16/2013
"Great gun though if you are new watch those O rings I popped mine.
by Dorian g. on 11/06/2012
"this airsoft pistol is my first one i bought and this is a great back up for CQB this gun save me a lot but here are the pros and cons

Good fps
really good accuracy
and its full metal
mag is a leaky a little
by Dylan H. on 05/10/2012
"Let me just say that this gun is a beast. The blowback on this thing is sick and has a decent kick. The gun has a good fps and range, and is actually pretty accurate. Mag only holds 15 bb's but its still awesome and more realistic. I'm gonna get to the pros and cons now

Unique, awesome blowback
Good FPS and Accuracy
Almost all metal(except handgrips of course)
Sturdy and tough gun, fits my hand perfectly
Awesome with my WWII german loadout
Stands out on the field : )

Gas consumption isnt the best (2 mags)
15rd mag, but more realism there
Other than that none really haha, buy this pistol
by Ethan K. on 03/26/2011
"I've only had mine for a few days now and it's amazing! As always We-Tech delivers an incredible overall feel and weight that feels very nice in the hand. Truely full metal except for the plastic grips but that doesn't even matter! It does take some getting used to with how to switch out magazines though, as it must be cocked before a mag can be inserted or taken out.
The only down side was actually the mag, not the gun. As usualy with WE-Tech, you only get about half a mags worth of gas.

I would highly recomend one. Buy it now, diese Pistole ist erstaunlich!
by Brandon C. on 03/21/2010
"The WE P08 Luger is a great pistol overall! It has pretty good FPS, and THE BEST accuracy of almost any pistol on the market!

-Great Accuracy
-Good FPS
-Looks Great
-Identical to a real Luger
-Feels real
-Great blowback system
-Very easy to dissasemble

-Eats alot of gas
-Hopup hard to adjust
-Jams once in a blue moon
-Hard to clean
by Tommy C. on 01/07/2010
"I don't think there are words to describe how AWESOME this gun is.... Its lightweight (mostly metal) reliable, GOOD LOOKING, and you will impress your friends.. some things I do NOT like about the gun is like how the magazine acts up on my =/ I got it yesterday. Some safety features like how you need to cock the gun before you can put in he guns magazine, or you can't just pull out the magazine (you need to cock it again to de-arm it. I would not hold that against it though.


good looking


Some Safety "Features"

Thats really it!!
by Zach W. on 03/15/2009
"This Luger is very realistic, everything except the black grips(real Luger has wood grips).
It has a hefty weight, accurate firing operation and a fairly decent kick. The orange tip is fully removable with a pair of pliers. This gun is very accurate and relable. Hop up is adjustable, and once dialed in it can hit man sized targets at up to 50-60 feet.
You can use green gas and red gas, and with red gas it shoots a blistering 410 fps on my chrono, with propane and green gas it shoots around 360-to 380fps.

If you want a luger replica look no further evike has got you covered.
The only bad things about this gun are the magazines. The o-ring on the magazine base seem to have a problem when you rapid fire. The seal is not very good when you are ice cold rapid firing. So i suggest letting your mags warm up before you load them up again. Just buy a few extra mags and it wont be a problem.

if you want my expert opinion, i give this gun 5 stars for realism and functionality
It is a perfect complement to your MP40, or maybe just for you Luger fans out there
you will not be dissapointed with this pistol.

-Captain Zach "Rambo" Weikart
Unit 7/53
Midwest Airsoft Association