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GHK High Output G.2 Co2 Powered Magazine for GHK M4 GBB Airsoft Rifles

ID: 33375 (Mag-GHK-WAM4-Co2)
GHK M4 CO2 magazine
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GHK High Output G.2 Co2 Powered Magazine for GHK M4 GBB Airsoft Rifles

This magazine is designed for the GHK G5, PDW, and other M4 series GBB by GHK.
This is the newest "2nd Version" of the GHK GBB M4 gas magazine with the first version perfected.
Can use Magpul Ranger Plates, L-Plates and Mag Assists
Designed to be powered with 12gram co2 cartridges.

Gas: Green gas, red gas, propane adaptor.
Capacity: 42 rounds
Material: Metal / Nitriding manganese phosphate treatment surface.
Weight: 675g

About GHK

Established in Taiwan in 2008, GHK began as the leading manufacturer of AK style gas blowback rifles. In the intervening years GHK has grown to become one of the most highly regarded GBBR manufacturers in the industry.

'Modification of Green Gas and CO2 magazines to use aftermarket HPA fittings and valves will void all included warranties due to the potential risk of damage from exposure to High pressure and misuse.'

7 Customer Reviews

(Write a review)

by Dan G. on 03/24/2020
"I’ve ordered a total of 4 of these GHK CO2 M4 mags..
10/13/17 x1, 3/2/20 x2, 3/13/20 x1. Strangely, the first mag ordered back in ‘17 had the best feed lips. These last 3, I had to widen the mouth (Dremel, 30sec) of the feed-lips on the hop-chamber side, so they would feed better/easier. Fantastic build quality otherwise.
by Austin C. on 10/11/2019
"Excellent magazine. I wish they made a hpa version of this mag. It works great in my emg f-1 receiver.
by Steven C. on 07/09/2017
"Worked well for me out of the box. They're tough to fill for the first few times, be patient and go slow. Once the springs wore in a little, they fill a lot easier.

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