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Free Shipping for Orders over $149. EPIC DEALS released daily! CQB Riot / Camera Crew Shield (Model: / Dual Handle)

61 Customer Reviews

by Joshua G. on 02/27/2025
"I’m 5’11” 250lbs, it covers my head and torso well, but my legs turn into chopped cheese lol.

I dual weilded this with an M249 and played as the juggernaut on my field.

Check your field rules!!! Not all places allow shields!

I recommend this very much. Though the price might be a little exaggerated.
by Christian G. on 03/15/2024
"This is amazingly fun in outdoor settings. I run a shotshell revolver and grenades alongside it and it totally changes how you get to experience the game.
by keaton b. on 01/05/2022
"I got the shield about two weeks ago and it just shipped. When I got it I was very pleased with how light and durable it was. The size fit me perfect I am 5 foot 4. The handle was very easy to screw in and I am really excited to try this at my local field.
by Melanie H. on 05/11/2021
"I'm 4'11 prefect size and essay to store
by Alexander M. on 09/01/2020
"don’t hesitate. buy it
it’s super good n amazing too run with.
i’m a 6’2 200 pound dude n i can make it work
by Aaron C. on 12/11/2018
"Nice and light. Its perfect size. Really like the rim of the shield, it was a very good idea to help make it more sturdy without adding to much more weight. After using it for a little while and taking some high FPS shots it is still holding up. It is another great idea to add to the airsoft world.
by Connor B. on 09/17/2018
"GREAT MATERIALS!! The grip and grip panel are fantastic and the aluminum (I believe its aluminum) reinforced shaped rubber around its perimeter is amazing!! Evike please tell me how and where I can get these quality of materials!! They were perfect for making my ballistic shield!

Only qualms are that the grip is left handed, so if you wanted to switch arms after extended use...
Oh well sucks to be you I guess...

If I could get my hands on the same grip and grip panel but right handed as well it'd be perfect!

So yeah I am more of a fan of the materials used to make the riot shield more than the shield itself...
But that is more because of how light it is, how commonly it is misused at fields for its lightness and its clearness, and that it is a RIOT SHIELD mainly to deal with THROWN things not a BALLISTIC SHIELD thats meant for actual fire.

Seriously Evike, please please tell me where you requisition these parts for your shield! If I get these materials I can start outfitting other airsofters with new and BALANCED equipment to make games not only more diverse but much more entertaining!!
by Ethan M. on 04/20/2018
Everyone is now your best friend
Plug up annoying windows

I'm left handed
by Aidan P. on 06/20/2017
People cannot kill you
It is illegal everywhere I play now :)
by Nate D. on 03/10/2017
"Awesome product works best with an R-Hop and ProWin hop up chamber installed, Would also recommend a motor upgrade and gear shimming. Other than that this is an awesome product. 15/10!
by Kyle M. on 03/10/2017
"This shield is great, it's a little heavy after a while but is good protection it will get scuffed if shot but a sponge will get rid of that.
Pros: great protection
Looks amazing
Good grips

Cons: little bit heavy
May not cover larger people all the way
May mark up "but if you use it you'd expect it"
by Tanner C. on 02/13/2017
"Very Accurate recommend running a 9.6v and a mosfet before buying I'd recommend upgrading the internals later on.
by Dru W. on 06/25/2016
"sorry I couldn't rate any higher
ITS bb repellant and is a wonderful melee weapon be prepared for a bit of hate but not a lot like maybe a come on
if you play CQB or POL-SIM this works great with a hand gun in one hand
So its really light like way more than you will believe and can be one armed and if you do it right you can stack up on it also has multiple uses door/window block, extra cover, etc. if u get if u wont regret it
Only con is not even that bad ( two handles nothing to grab arm) like said before its LIGHT it can be one handed
by Preston F. on 03/15/2016
"Very high FPS and rate of fire.
Works very well with a grenade launcher attachment and bipod.

I rate 10/10
by Cooper S. on 01/19/2016
"I think that shields are amazing. I didnt start using one until recently, but they definitely are fun and a new way to play. The other shield i used was 2 to 3 times the weight and definitely slowed me down. This shield is extramly light and comfortable, i dont think that it could take a beating though (actually pushing people) it dose seem that it may scatch extreamly quickly. This is very small though and i would not recommend this to a person who has a waist over 35 as it isnt very wide, and if you are above 6 ft it would definitely kill you back. However im a smaller guy and it seems to work extremely well for drawing fire away from your team.