Here at we want to remind everyone to be responsible, respectful and practice common sense with your replica guns. It is only responsible to transport a replica in a rifle bag or box away from public eye. Brandishing a replica firearm in public is illegal and irresponsible. This high quality rifle bag is offered so everyone can afford a rifle bag! Help us with our effort to promote safety and to stop brandishing, it takes everyone to protect the beloved sports we all enjoy.
The 48" slim rifle bag is designed specifically for long / slim arms such as the VSR-10, L96, Type96, Shotguns, SVD, Shadow Op, M700, M24 and other similar body sniper rifles.
Each rifle bag is also equipped with your very own logo to show the public where the best place to shop for Airsoft is. End their search and trial for error, send them directly to!
Color: Black
Material: High Durability Nylon
Dimensions: 51in x 10in / 48in x 9in (Exterior / Interior)
Features: High Quality Nylon Construction Embroidered Logo Padded interior Full Length zipper Perfect for your VSR-10, Type96, L96, Shadow Op, M500, Spas, M700, M24 and other similar size Sniper Rifles and shotguns About Evike Exclusive At, we believe that superior outdoor recreational products can create a better world. That is why we develop, innovate, and pioneer to bring you the perfect experience, service, and products.
About NcSTAR / VISM Founded in Southern California in 1997, NcSTARs mission is to consistently provide superior quality optics and sporting accessories at affordable prices. We are dedicated to providing superb customer service, setting the highest standard in the industry, with a warranty that is second to none. We provide innovative and cutting edge optics and accessories by following the latest industry trends and listening to our customers feedback.Started in 2010 VISM, a division of NcSTAR, was launched out of the desire to create a new brand of products with higher end features and innovation that our customers desire along with the same great warranty and high standard of customer service.
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" I mean it works as intended but I’m slow in the brain and didn’t read everything. It will definitely fit a sniper rifle and shot gun but not a rifle with accessories. It would fit a naked one but I’m too lazy to take my stuff off so I mostly keep spare gear in there.
" Fits my Cyma VSR-10 with about an inch of room
" I use this gun bag on my CYMA AK and it barely fits my G&P M4 but this is a great deal. Only bad thing is I wish it had maybe a few pouches for holding mags or BBs.
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