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WELL Scorpion R2 VZ-61 100% Tokyo Marui Clone Airsoft Electric SMG w/ Drummag

26 Customer Reviews

by Clark L. on 07/06/2022
"I didn't really like how scorpions looked, and wouldn't have gotten one. That is, until I saw this one, and how sick it looked with a drum-mag.

Good starting gun (this was my first). Used at a CQB field and was excellent. I concur with everyone else that the mid-cap was not 100 rounds, and encountered no other issues with it. I prefer the hi-cap, mostly because I didn't run out of ammo with it. FPS was rated at 177 (the only issue I had, which was to be expected). I'm gonna look into raising the FPS if I can, though it worked fine. I didn't get to use full auto enough to be well informed, but worked fine in the limited duration I used it.

All in all, 5/5 stars. Good starter. Would not use in anything other than CQB. Only con is FPS.

May the force be with you and the odds be ever in your favor.
by Kaden R. on 08/05/2021
"This SMG is absolutely amazing! It is very accurate;
I have a target that’s about 2 feet tall, 2 inches wide, and about 4 feet off the ground. Using hip fire only (for this entire test) , about 10 feet away, I shot, hit the target, and walked back to 25 feet. At 25 feet by shot, hit, and walked back to 50 feet, hit, and so on. I kept going until I had no
More space to walk to at 150 feet. Each time I was able to hit the target within 10 shots using .20 gram bb’s.
Long story short, it’s accurate.
That’s the most impressive thing about this gun. Good gun for beginners who are looking for an accurate smg to hip fire with. Great for running and gunning. Not too expensive either.
Using a laser sight on this is a big help!
by Nate G. on 08/16/2020
"This never got a review before it was discontinued so here it is
by James M. on 08/13/2019
"Old trusty best for spray and pray. CQB only
Only important is to do the battery mod.
by Arlen R. on 07/02/2018
"For all the people who are saying the banana mag only holds 20 bbs or so it's because your trying to load it like a midcap mag when it's not. The banana mag works like a hi-cap mag.

Hopefully this clears up some confusion thats going on.
by Caleb L. on 03/17/2017
"my battery just died as im typing this, so far this little beauty has served me well and maybe i can just buy another battery. god rate of fire. drum mag is not ful metal, stick mag is. charging handle is wobbly but it works. hop up is easy to find. stock was wobbly at first but then i made my 1st attempt to fix it and it was slightly better but i found out if you take the tactical rail off and slide the screw out from under the barrel you can carefully slide the top receiver off the gun you can kind of tighten the stock. my stock snapped a while back but it was fixed with some flux. drum mag works best with vertical grip on tac rail.
by alex W. on 01/26/2017
by Carvell C. on 09/28/2016
"So it seems that most of the reviewers dont seem to realize what the skorpion is designed for. one person was complaining about range and accuracy. its design is for cqc, not mid and long range engagements. anouher said that drum mag didn't fit. it wont lock in unless you put bbs in it, then it will fit. stock is ok for what it is meant to be used for (hip fire support), but isn't the comfiest.

for my actually review look at the very first one, this one is meant as a warning. i cant speak for those who got faulty chargers or batteries, but the ones i got were fine.
by Spencer O. on 03/28/2012
"I got one of these about a year ago and it served me very well until recently. The grip became loose and eventually broke off after someone dropped it. Other than that I would highly suggest it. I am considering buying another.
by Kurt G. on 08/13/2011
"I am pretty sure they will not submit my review, but lets give it a try. Awesome gun. The battery lasts forever, ROF is pretty nice, and it is almost full metal. Perfect sniper backup. I received the JG version.

Almost full metal
Rare (could be a con because you can't really fix it)
The drum magazine is plastic, but it is durable.
It also came with a metal stick magazine that has a winder wheel at the bottom.

FPS (but hey, it is a small gun)
Flash hider (the whole entire outer barrel is a plastic orange tube, nothing spray paint cant fix)
The plastic 20 mm rail does not come attached to the gun. You have to screw it in and it did not come with the screw. Personally, I think the gun looks better without the rail.

The stock does not fold down all the way like the real steel, so it make aiming awkward.
Also, there is a pin that holds the stock in, but it unscrews as you fold out the stock. So tighten up the pin all the way and place a dot of super glue over the pin and the area around it.

Overall, it is a great gun. I would recommend this to anyone to use as a secondary or to use as a primary in CQB.
by Weird U. on 12/04/2024
"Fantastic for about a year, fuse in grip blew, fantastic after fuse replacment. I prefer the JG VZ61.
by Michael T. on 04/22/2020
"Got this little god send from a buddy of mine when we traded some of are guns around and i must say its vary good i use it as a back up gun in millsims and weekend games and it’s pretty d&*n good

Nice wight
High round capacity

Low battery life if used every game

That sums it up for me though if i had another drum mag i would buy one but i got the drum mag and 7 normal mags
This is a good gun as a back up but not much else unless you go cqb but thats not my style
by Becky B. on 03/07/2020
"Okay so first off, when reading this review, take into the fact that I got very unlucky, not that it's the company's fault:
This gun, the gun itself, is actually amazing. Very high rate of fire with good semi auto action. I've had the gun for around 4 months now and its been the same as I bought it. But the battery charger on the other hand? Absolute garbage. I plugged it in and the light went out on it, I was confused and let it charge but the battery didn't charge at all. I contacted evike but they take so long that I just outright bought a new charger. That charger was the same one that came with the gun, and then it broke the prongs on the battery. So I had to spend $50 extra dollers to use the gun, but now it's working great. The folding stock is a little wobbily like everybody says, but honestly I don't use it, I just keep it folded over and put a grip on.

Large drum mag
High rate of fire
Spot for grip or flashlight and ect.
Metal upper receiver
Great gear box
Adjustable iron sights
Easy to adjust hopup

Plastic grip where battery is stored
The piece that holds the battery in keeps the battery there with a price of rubber that feels like styrofoam
Wobbily stock
Charger is trash
Probably need multiple batteries but they cost like $20
by Becky B. on 01/02/2020
"I received this gun and am very happy. The weight is fabulous even though it's upsetting to me that were all the electronics are stored it's only covered by abs plastic. Amazing gun for your money all though I have my own complaint. The charger that came with my gun was broken so instead of being able to take my new gun out to shoot it I had to wait for a new one to arrive (first gun with a 7.2 v battery that I own.) And so that was really annoying. Otherwise a very good gun that overall is an amazing secondary. I recommend you buy this gun but I'd probably also buy a new battery and charger and a few stick mags (which are metal) rather than the drummag with is abs plastic.
by Troy F. on 05/28/2018
"Back again, and the gun is still solid, but the battery is CRAP. I would recommend getting multiple batteries.