APS Thunder B CO2 Sound Effect Airsoft / Paintball Simulation Grenade Core Set (Model: Tripwire Grenade)
32 Customer Reviews
by Jake C. on 03/08/2025
"Idk I've had the same core and have reused it a couple dozen times with only one light puncture. I love them and they're super loud
by Lucas W. on 01/10/2025
"This grenade is great! Mine wasn't that loud because there is snow on the ground, but it was nice. Easy to use. Can't wait to use mine on the field. Will buy more.
by Ben W. on 07/16/2023
"note i do no peronaly own one but,people use these all the time at my local field and holy crap they are loud.
by Sean S. on 12/29/2022
"This is my second Thunder B from this listing. The first one lasted me about ~10 grenades, bought a new one today and we will see how long it lasts. I have owned two other Thunder B cores that were a slightly different brand, they also lasted about 10 grenades each until the pin flew out and was not found and was left as an inert training grenade.
by michael z. on 06/20/2022
"feels sturdy, and easy to prime. looking forward to using them in a game
by David B. on 03/27/2021
"The Thunder grenade works great. I have yet to use them in a game. But testing them was very fun. Scared the crap out of my neighbors and that was worth it. Product works really well. Directions were easy to use. Definitely a must have for airsoft players.
by Sean C. on 05/21/2020
"I have been using these since 2011 and have owned about 20 or so both from retail purchases here and local secondhand purchases. This was a game changer when it came out and still to this day there are few to no hand grenade offers as safe or economical as the Thunder B family. The only issue is when these grenades get older, after 25 or so uses, I find the sharp puncher that pierces the CO2 cartridge starts to wear and the reliability of these grenades step off. To improve reliability for new and older grenades I drill a small hole in the metal body near the top and use a belt sander to weaken a corner of all the single time use shells.
by Al L. on 03/16/2018
"Works very well. Easy to set up, parts are cheap, LOUD. What more do you need?
by William J. K. on 03/05/2018
"BOOM! love it! works as advertised... I would suggest looping some 550 cord around the top, for immediate extraction from cleared room - before the field rats make it disappear.
by Donald J S. on 09/01/2017
"I bought this for the top part as mine cracked and never worked after that. Cheap price, but if throwing it breaks the top after only a few games, it could get expensive to replace every couple of games.
Worked well with the Cylinder Mod I did and I get a constant 4 second delay.
Worked well with the Cylinder Mod I did and I get a constant 4 second delay.
by Cylix The C. on 08/15/2017
"These are SO MUCH FUN. I have used these grenades several times now, they are easy to load once you learn how to get the lever back and held down long enough to insert the pin. The new shells work good and pop along the white line. They have been pretty consistent around 3-5 seconds before going off. The only issue I have is marking these, my sharpie does not seem to stick to it anywhere I write. I may have to tape or spray paint them so we do not lose them or have them stolen. I had one accidentally go off in my hand in the field, I was wearing gloves but it did not hurt me at all. It scared me more than anything and made my ears ring but nothing major. Safe, effective, and hilarious to watch when people react to them when you toss one into a bunker.
by eli d. on 06/07/2017
"Probably one of the Better investments in airsoft for around 20$
If you were thinking about grenades to use for airsoft these are the simplest no nonsense user friendly airsoft grenades to date.
I have used both the valken and hakkotsu brands and this one is better.
You don't have to worry about valve leaks like with cyclones. these are cooler than cylcones anyway.
I recommend spray painting the outside and inside core bright orange so they are easy to find in the woods. (The inside must be sprayed too. As the shells sometimes fly off the core, leaving the core exposed.
I carry 2 on my person in every match. Much fun indeed. Completely safe, would not want to have one go off by my head or in my hand as it would not be pleasent. But it would not cause any serious harm.
Some bad things about them. if you put the stickers on the shell it can increase the fuse time. They can be hard to find in the forest if used as is. The spoon/pin can break easily, (if this happens the grenade can still be used it simply just has to be thrown as soon as the pin is pulled. I do that with one of them.
After pulling the pin and thrown with force, (witch some fields do not allow because reasons) they can explode on empact witch is cool. Don't expect it to hold up down the road doing this though
Hella fun
Inexpensive (for airsoft) boils down to about 4$ a throw
Easy to find parts
Easy to re arm
Easy to use
Reliable detonation (dumbell shell)
Hella fun
Spoon can break easily if thrown over hand or with force (what do you expect man?)
Have yet to have an extremely long fuse in but it does happen
Hard to find if not painted orange
Buy it buy it buy it buy it buy it buy it buy it buy it buy it buy it!
If you were thinking about grenades to use for airsoft these are the simplest no nonsense user friendly airsoft grenades to date.
I have used both the valken and hakkotsu brands and this one is better.
You don't have to worry about valve leaks like with cyclones. these are cooler than cylcones anyway.
I recommend spray painting the outside and inside core bright orange so they are easy to find in the woods. (The inside must be sprayed too. As the shells sometimes fly off the core, leaving the core exposed.
I carry 2 on my person in every match. Much fun indeed. Completely safe, would not want to have one go off by my head or in my hand as it would not be pleasent. But it would not cause any serious harm.
Some bad things about them. if you put the stickers on the shell it can increase the fuse time. They can be hard to find in the forest if used as is. The spoon/pin can break easily, (if this happens the grenade can still be used it simply just has to be thrown as soon as the pin is pulled. I do that with one of them.
After pulling the pin and thrown with force, (witch some fields do not allow because reasons) they can explode on empact witch is cool. Don't expect it to hold up down the road doing this though
Hella fun
Inexpensive (for airsoft) boils down to about 4$ a throw
Easy to find parts
Easy to re arm
Easy to use
Reliable detonation (dumbell shell)
Hella fun
Spoon can break easily if thrown over hand or with force (what do you expect man?)
Have yet to have an extremely long fuse in but it does happen
Hard to find if not painted orange
Buy it buy it buy it buy it buy it buy it buy it buy it buy it buy it!
by Maria G. on 07/08/2016
"A must have for your Thunder B Grenade! All the parts fit just right for my grenade.
by Keegan D. on 11/08/2015
"I've had one of these for a year now and it is one of the best investments of my airsoft career. If your thinking about buying these stop, and just buy them.
by Carson R. on 04/18/2015
"These things are great. Though the shells are a little pricey these work like a charm
Pros: no one can deny They got hit because of the sound. If they do then you can fill them with powder or bbs .
Cons: slightly pricy. I don't have 2.
Pros: no one can deny They got hit because of the sound. If they do then you can fill them with powder or bbs .
Cons: slightly pricy. I don't have 2.