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A&K SVD Dragunov Bolt Action Airsoft Sniper Rifle (Color: Imitation Wood Furniture)

62 Customer Reviews

by Emilio R. on 06/20/2024
"Good gun. Solid and very accurate once straightened.

Only issue was double feeding, inaccurate, and trigger would go limp. The box was incorrectly labeled as a weaker spring variant, barrel was loose and rattling, stock was loose, magazine is terrible.

I took the gun completely apart and noticed that nearly every screw was loose, I tightened everything and reassembled the gun. After doing so the gun is a dream, I also ordered a mid cap magazine to get rid of the rattle. Gun is solid 10/10, I recommend everyone to look over the gun and tighten everything.
by Lazar G. on 07/09/2017
"I just bought this and I would recommend this to anywon trying to get into snyping or is already an experienced sniper. Btw girls I'm 6foot3 and I'm pretty strong and I can run fast I guess?
by Joe M. on 03/02/2017
"This gun is pretty decent for its price, with its high power and awesome looks, but it has its flaws.

Pros: very cheap
-High powered
-Pretty accurate (when hop is adjusted and everything is in order
-looks awesome
-high cap mag

There's some minor things that shouldn't really affect the gun that much:
-Pretty heavy and very long sniper, so it's not very mobile
-you have to have a certain amount of bbs in the mag to have it feed to the gun
-cocking back is pretty hard. I have no trouble doing it, but after a while it makes my fingers sore
-to take apart parts of the gun, you need like 20 different Allan wrenches

These are some cons that affect the gun in very bad ways
-it doesn't come with a scope OR any rail system, so you have to buy them both separately, or find a scope that directly attaches to the gun. Which costs you atleast another 50$
-the gun double feeds WAY too often to the point where I had 1/5 shots fire 2 bbs (you can try multi feeding it and turn it into a sort of shotgun, but I'm pretty sure it will damage your gun). This problem is fixable, but requires a drill to drill into part of your gun.

Overall, I think this gun is definitely worth the buy, because of its cost efficiency and its ability to compete with other 200-300$ guns out there.
by Amber B. on 02/05/2016
"So this gun says a&k but Idk cause unmarked box and no instructions. But this is a very nice spring svd for the price! It does come with an extra spring in the box witch I would suggest putting in if you plan on hitting 200 + feet! The stock spring shoots at 260fps with .28 bbs so probably 320fps with .20s. But the spring in the box shoots 460fps with .28s so probably 520fps with .20s. You will definitely need gloves on to cock the gun with the heavy spring. I would also suggest a heavy bb probably high 30s low 40s with a good hop to get that 200+ range! Very nice gun for starting spring sniper!
by Mark B. on 12/21/2015
"I bought one of these recently and it is quite amazing for the price. Looks good, trigger pull is fine, not super light. Accuracy is dang good for a 99 dollar sniper. Build quality seems very good. Cocking it isnt hard unless your a small player or child. Get the gun, get the mount and put a scope of your choosing on it. I tested it with .20, .25, .28 and .43. Shoots great on all bb weights but settles down alot with heavier bbs. Im super happy with it and will probably buy a second one just to have it in case they stop making them.
by John V. on 11/29/2015
"Ive had this gun for about a year and a half and it works great. The range on it is excellent and the accuracy is also really good. It is very sturdy. Practically full metal besides the handguard and the stock. This gun will last for a long time and is probably the best stock bolt action sniper on the market. My friend has a vsr 10 and it is way more accurate than it. It will not let you down at all. The only con i can think of is that the bolt is small so when you pull it back it can hurt your hand. I would recommend wearing gloves so that your hand wont be hurting. This is a really great sniper and i would recommend it to anyone who is looking to buy a sniper at a low cost. Dont waste anytime looking for another sniper. Just buy this one.
by Gavin H. on 11/05/2015
"First off this gun is perfect I mean I have had literally no problems with it. If you have the money 4 this gun then buy it
by Daniel A. on 12/05/2014
"Let me first off say this is NOT the average first gen A&K svd. This is something slightly different but in a better way. This gun is solid! It has non of the issues A&K has. The magazine sits in really tight and the mag (which is a wind up type) feels flawlessly. The gun comes with about a 600mm length 6.08 brass barrel. Had hop up bucking (80 degree) with W teeth. Very good bucking for a stock and very accurate. The spring appears to be within an m130-m150 range. The entire gun is some kind of tough aluminium and polymer. It could pass up as steel as it feels extremely sturdy, but its not magnetic metal. (dont know to much about metals) The stock piston and trigger sear were able to happily take the force of an m190 SHS spring I dropped in! A little wear after about 200 shots but nothing noticeable or concerning.

I had the matrix gen II svd before and let me state the issues, bad mid cap feeding, wobbly and loose fitting hop up chamber, loose stock (even after tightening), cheaper plastic handgaurds. (this svd has no issues in raltion to these)

So really this gun is in someways better than a stock matrix gen II svd. I am VERY impressed considering how much more expensive the genII is. The finsih on this gun is also much much better. In fact the barrel doesnt even look machined out it looks blued! The handgaurds are nice and look similar to wood but nothing crazy. Much thicker however.

Honestly the only thing I can complain is that some tinny screw have stripped out but they dont support anything vital. This thing is a tank and has amazing compression, seal, strong internals, and lots of potential for upgrades! Dont forget to pick of a side mount and scope
by Daniel K. on 02/22/2014
"This the first sniper rifle I bought and I couldn't have picked a better spring sniper. This rifle has a very heavy pull when you get it out of the box. But you can fix it by pulling the bolt several times as well as oiling it. It is highly accurate and it WILL leave marks on your friends.

high fps
construed of metal (also a con somewhat)
looks awesome with a scope

strong bolt that hurts the hand after shooting awhile
weight (gets pretty heavy when running around)

For a beginner, this is a great sniper rifle
by Kelson P. on 04/12/2013
"First off, I just got this gun today, so I can't judge the durability too much, but I've been shooting it for about 3 and a half hours, and it preforms very well. I can hit dead on at 150-200 feet with .25s, and was able to hit a tree (Albeit nowhere near the spot I was shooting at.) from 300 feet after a few attempts. Also, I got the high capacity magazine with it, and it doesn't seem to feed at all. Might just be the one I got, though.
On to the pros/cons
Good range
Very accurate
Feels durable
Good FPS for heavier BBs
Very nice sights, in my opinion
A little front heavy (But I'm really weak, so that may be me.)
Bolt is a little hard to grip without the right gloves
High cap mag doesn't feed for some reason

Overall, very much worth the $99, if you're looking for a medium-long range rifle with good upgrade compatibility, this is perfect.
by Nick B. on 11/22/2012
"I've had this gun for a good two years now and love it. I highly recommend it to any air softer it's extremely accurate.
Shoots hard
Full metal
Easy upgrades
Overall looks amazing

Takes maintenance
Bolts pulls hard (just wear gloves)
Pain to put a scope on
Hard to get hop-up
Again once sighted in though and you get use to it you will love it's power and accuracy it has and anybody who see you when playing will fear you with it
by Trenton R. on 04/26/2012
"I just love my snayperskaya vintovka dragunova. I wouldnt trade it for anything. All i could say is " wow, its perfect."

great wieght (could be a con)
nice heavy bolt(again could be a con)
nearly all metal
high fps for any kind of spring gun
easy to disassemble, upgrade or repair, and reassemble
accurate up to 100 ft. (estimated from the spot i stood to where the bird i shot landed)
easy to adjust sights
works as well as a pellet gun

heavy(could be a pro)
heavy bolt(again could be pro)
bolt is hard to cock at first
plastic stock and hand guard
easily fixed double loading problem
orange tip
i guess the super small screws can be annoying if taken apart(easy to lose, hard to find)

to sum it up it is worth it. trust me it is a pro worthy rifle, trust me ive played for 5 years.
by Beth T. on 03/04/2012
"Overall this gun is amazing it has a nice heavy feel. This gun doesnt need upgrades just being stock it shoots like 250 feet it out-powered my ASR with a tight bore and upgraded spring piston and spring guide. I don't know why people say the scopes made for this gun are expensive, all you have to do is buy a rail/scope mount ($20) and a scope I bought this gun a spring mount scope and bbs all for 190 because I used a coupon overall this is a must need sniper
by William H. on 03/01/2012
"This gun is very nice, very accurate great heavy feel. Overall this is a great gun for the price! I would recommend .25 atleast or .30 No lower than .25 though or it will not be as accurate.

good weight
good fps
mostly metal
adjustable sight

Scopes for this are very expensive
Magazine wiggles a little but not a big deal

Thats about it ^-^
by Dylan K. on 11/09/2011
"i've had this gun for over a year now and i love it. extra clips available on evike. i had bought the AIM High Grade Wood Handguard & Stock from evike and i am very happy. this gives it more weight but a nice look and feel. this gun starts a little hard to bolt but it softens up with use. i mounted a 100% real 8x42 posp svd dragunov scope and sling on this and it hits what i point at. dont buy any airsoft scopes they are more for looks and the adjustment knobs dont work (cant be sighted in). i removed the orange tip carefully to make it look real ( this is not recomended do not do it) also gun has a small problem with double feeding but it is very easy to fix so dont let that stop you. this gun is a very good weapon of choice. i am an svd lover and this gun gets a 12 out of 10.