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OEM Full Strength M4 GBB Buffer/Recoil Spring

6 Customer Reviews

by Anthony O. on 11/21/2024
"Great for summer and alleviated my bolt bounce on my GE Block 3. I have it paired with a Guarder Recoil Buffer ID:25009.
by Anthony O. on 11/18/2024
"Works great in my GE Block3 GBBR. It completely removed bolt bounce and improved functionality.
by sterling t. on 12/11/2021
"Works great in my GHK M4 no more sluggish bolt and harder kick
by Duy T. on 03/17/2021
"If you've got a GHK M4, I definitely recommend getting this buffer spring. This buffer spring is 20% longer than the stock GHK buffer spring and you'll notice that for sure. But even with it being longer, it still sits pretty good in the buffer tube. I will say, this spring is fantastic! I absolutely love it in my GHK FSP. Here's why:

- Harder kicks. It absolutely kicks like a mule, you can definitely notice it. Has a stronger recoil than the stock GHK buffer spring.
- Snappier bolt release. The bolt returns feels great because it goes back real quick, compared to the stock GHK buffer spring where it feels slow. I would say it returns 30% faster. You'll notice the snappiness.
- Pulling on the charging handle feels great, you can feel the tension and it's an overall satisfying feeling.

None, really.

Get it! Improves your recoil and snappier and faster bolt release. You can't go with this spring, especially for that price.
by Jonathan H. on 12/23/2020
"This is a good option for a GHK M4 - The OEM spring for GHK rifles is too light and a lot of the springs people recommend (Viper etc) are simply too strong and will cause damage over time. This one makes the gun snappy on reload as the bolt locks back in and generally feels better when charging the rifle.

I don't get the sense this is going to put too much more wear and tear on the rifle and seems to have minimal impact on gas usage, again compared to the more powerful springs on the market. Bolt release is slightly stiffer, but does not take too much pressure to get it to return.

So if you just want your GHK bolt carrier to snap back instead of make a slow and delicate return with minimal impact on gas this is perfect.
by Philip M. on 05/19/2015
"My bolt carrier (stock zinc aluminum BC) was slow to return to battery in my G&P Wok/Woc so I decided to pick this up.

With the stock WoC aluminum buffer this made a noticeable difference. My BC returns a lot faster with no obvious bolt bounce. BC locked back when the mag was empty no problem either.